variable "name" { description = "Used to name various infrastructure components" } variable "whitelist_ip" { description = "IP to whitelist for the security groups (set for world)" } variable "region" { description = "The AWS region to deploy to." default = "us-east-1" } variable "ami" { } variable "server_instance_type" { description = "The AWS instance type to use for servers." default = "t2.medium" } variable "client_instance_type" { description = "The AWS instance type to use for clients." default = "t2.medium" } variable "root_block_device_size" { description = "The volume size of the root block device." default = 16 } variable "key_name" { description = "Name of the SSH key used to provision EC2 instances." } variable "server_count" { description = "The number of servers to provision." default = "3" } variable "client_count" { description = "The number of clients to provision." default = "4" } variable "retry_join" { description = "Used by Consul to automatically form a cluster." type = map(string) default = { provider = "aws" tag_key = "ConsulAutoJoin" tag_value = "auto-join" } } variable "nomad_binary" { description = "Used to replace the machine image installed Nomad binary." default = "none" }