import { module, test } from 'qunit'; import * as units from 'nomad-ui/utils/units'; function table(fn, cases) { cases.forEach((testCase) => { test( || testCase.out, function (assert) { assert.deepEqual(fn.apply(null,, testCase.out); }); }); } module('Unit | Util | units#formatBytes', function () {, units.formatBytes, [ { in: [null], out: '0 Bytes', name: 'formats null as 0 bytes' }, { in: [undefined], out: '0 Bytes', name: 'formats undefined as 0 bytes' }, { in: [0], out: '0 Bytes', name: 'formats x < 1024 as bytes' }, { in: [100], out: '100 Bytes' }, { in: [1023], out: '1,023 Bytes' }, { in: [1024], out: '1 KiB', name: 'formats 1024 <= x < 1024^2 as KiB' }, { in: [1024 ** 2 - 1024 * 0.01], out: '1,023.99 KiB' }, { in: [1024 ** 2], out: '1 MiB', name: 'formats 1024^2 <= x < 1024^3 as MiB' }, { in: [1024 ** 2 * 1.016], out: '1.02 MiB' }, { in: [1024 ** 3], out: '1 GiB', name: 'formats 1024^3 <= x < 1024^4 as GiB' }, { in: [1024 ** 3 * 512.5], out: '512.5 GiB' }, { in: [1024 ** 4], out: '1 TiB', name: 'formats 1024^4 <= x < 1024^5 as TiB' }, { in: [1024 ** 4 * 2.1234], out: '2.12 TiB' }, { in: [1024 ** 5], out: '1 PiB', name: 'formats x > 1024^5 as PiB' }, { in: [1024 ** 5 * 4000], out: '4,000 PiB' }, { in: [1024 ** 2, 'MiB'], out: '1 TiB', name: 'accepts a starting unit size as an optional argument', }, { in: [1024 ** 2 * -1], out: '-1 MiB', name: 'negative values are still reduced' }, ]); }); module('Unit | Util | units#formatScheduledBytes', function () {, units.formatScheduledBytes, [ { in: [null], out: '0 Bytes', name: 'formats null as 0 bytes' }, { in: [undefined], out: '0 Bytes', name: 'formats undefined as 0 bytes' }, { in: [0], out: '0 Bytes', name: 'formats x < 1024 as bytes' }, { in: [1024 ** 3], out: '1,024 MiB', name: 'max unit is MiB, just like Nomad expects in job specs', }, { in: [1024 ** 3 + 1024 ** 2 * 0.6], out: '1,025 MiB', name: 'MiBs are rounded to whole numbers', }, { in: [2000, 'MiB'], out: '2,000 MiB', name: 'accepts a starting unit size as an optional argument', }, { in: [1024 ** 3 * -1], out: '-1,024 MiB', name: 'negative values are still reduced' }, ]); }); module('Unit | Util | units#formatHertz', function () {, units.formatHertz, [ { in: [null], out: '0 Hz', name: 'formats null as 0 Hz' }, { in: [undefined], out: '0 Hz', name: 'formats undefined as 0 Hz' }, { in: [0], out: '0 Hz', name: 'formats x < 1000 as Hz' }, { in: [999], out: '999 Hz' }, { in: [1000], out: '1 KHz', name: 'formats 1000 <= x < 1000^2 as KHz' }, { in: [1000 ** 2 - 10], out: '999.99 KHz' }, { in: [1000 ** 2], out: '1 MHz', name: 'formats 1000^2 <= x < 1000^3 as MHz' }, { in: [1000 ** 2 * 5.234], out: '5.23 MHz' }, { in: [1000 ** 3], out: '1 GHz', name: 'formats 1000^3 <= x < 1000^4 as GHz' }, { in: [1000 ** 3 * 500.238], out: '500.24 GHz' }, { in: [1000 ** 4], out: '1 THz', name: 'formats 1000^4 <= x < 1000^5 as THz' }, { in: [1000 ** 4 * 12], out: '12 THz' }, { in: [1000 ** 5], out: '1 PHz', name: 'formats x > 1000^5 as PHz' }, { in: [1000 ** 5 * 34567.89], out: '34,567.89 PHz' }, { in: [2000, 'KHz'], out: '2 MHz', name: 'accepts a starting unit size as an optional argument', }, { in: [1000 ** 3 * -1], out: '-1 GHz', name: 'negative values are still reduced' }, ]); }); module('Unit | Util | units#formatScheduledHertz', function () {, units.formatScheduledHertz, [ { in: [null], out: '0 Hz', name: 'formats null as 0 Hz' }, { in: [undefined], out: '0 Hz', name: 'formats undefined as 0 Hz' }, { in: [0], out: '0 Hz', name: 'formats x < 1024 as Hz' }, { in: [1000 ** 3], out: '1,000 MHz', name: 'max unit is MHz, just like Nomad expects in job specs', }, { in: [1000 ** 3 + 1000 ** 2 * 0.6], out: '1,001 MHz', name: 'MHz are rounded to whole numbers', }, { in: [2000, 'MHz'], out: '2,000 MHz', name: 'accepts a starting unit size as an optional argument', }, { in: [1000 ** 3 * -1], out: '-1,000 MHz', name: 'negative values are still reduced' }, ]); }); module('Unit | Util | units#reduceBytes', function () {, units.reduceBytes, [ { in: [], out: [0, 'Bytes'], name: 'No args behavior results in valid output' }, { in: [1024 ** 6], out: [1024, 'PiB'], name: 'Max default unit is PiB' }, { in: [1024 ** 6 * 1.12345], out: [1024 * 1.12345, 'PiB'], name: 'Returned numbers are not formatted', }, { in: [1024 ** 2 * 2, 'KiB'], out: [2048, 'KiB'], name: 'Reduction ends when the specified max unit is reached', }, { in: [1024 ** 2, 'MiB', 'KiB'], out: [1024, 'MiB'], name: 'accepts a starting unit size as an optional argument', }, { in: [1024 ** 3 * -1], out: [-1, 'GiB'], name: 'negative values are still reduced' }, ]); }); module('Unit | Util | units#reduceHertz', function () {, units.reduceHertz, [ { in: [], out: [0, 'Hz'], name: 'No args behavior results in valid output' }, { in: [1000 ** 6], out: [1000, 'PHz'], name: 'Max default unit is PHz' }, { in: [1000 ** 6 * 1.12345], out: [1000 * 1.12345, 'PHz'], name: 'Returned numbers are not formatted', }, { in: [1000 ** 4 * 2, 'GHz'], out: [2000, 'GHz'], name: 'Reduction ends when the specified max unit is reached', }, { in: [1000 * 2, 'THz', 'MHz'], out: [2, 'GHz'], name: 'accepts a starting unit size as an optional argument', }, { in: [1000 ** 3 * -1], out: [-1, 'GHz'], name: 'negative values are still reduced' }, ]); });