import { test } from 'qunit'; import moduleForAcceptance from 'nomad-ui/tests/helpers/module-for-acceptance'; export default function moduleForJob(title, jobFactory, additionalTests) { let job; moduleForAcceptance(title, { beforeEach() { server.create('node'); job = jobFactory(); visit(`/jobs/${}`); }, }); test('visiting /jobs/:job_id', function(assert) { assert.equal(currentURL(), `/jobs/${}`); }); test('the subnav links to overview', function(assert) { click(find('[data-test-tab="overview"] a')); andThen(() => { assert.equal(currentURL(), `/jobs/${}`); }); }); test('the subnav links to definition', function(assert) { click(find('[data-test-tab="definition"] a')); andThen(() => { assert.equal(currentURL(), `/jobs/${}/definition`); }); }); test('the subnav links to versions', function(assert) { click(find('[data-test-tab="versions"] a')); andThen(() => { assert.equal(currentURL(), `/jobs/${}/versions`); }); }); for (var testName in additionalTests) { test(testName, function(assert) { additionalTests[testName](job, assert); }); } }