import { run } from '@ember/runloop'; import { test } from 'ember-qunit'; import wait from 'ember-test-helpers/wait'; import { startMirage } from 'nomad-ui/initializers/ember-cli-mirage'; import moduleForAdapter from '../../helpers/module-for-adapter'; moduleForAdapter('node', 'Unit | Adapter | Node', { needs: [ 'adapter:node', 'model:node-attributes', 'model:allocation', 'model:node-driver', 'model:node-event', 'model:evaluation', 'model:job', 'serializer:application', 'serializer:node', 'service:system', 'service:token', 'service:config', 'service:watchList', 'transform:fragment', 'transform:fragment-array', ], beforeEach() { this.server = startMirage(); this.server.create('node', { id: 'node-1' }); this.server.create('node', { id: 'node-2' }); this.server.create('job', { id: 'job-1', createAllocations: false }); this.server.create('allocation', { id: 'node-1-1', nodeId: 'node-1' }); this.server.create('allocation', { id: 'node-1-2', nodeId: 'node-1' }); this.server.create('allocation', { id: 'node-2-1', nodeId: 'node-2' }); this.server.create('allocation', { id: 'node-2-2', nodeId: 'node-2' }); }, afterEach() { this.server.shutdown(); }, }); test('findHasMany removes old related models from the store', function(assert) { let node; run(() => { // Fetch the model'node', 'node-1').then(model => { node = model; // Fetch the related allocations return findHasMany(model, 'allocations').then(allocations => { assert.equal( allocations.get('length'), this.server.db.allocations.where({ nodeId: node.get('id') }).length, 'Allocations returned from the findHasMany matches the db state' ); }); }); }); return wait().then(() => { server.db.allocations.remove('node-1-1'); run(() => { // Reload the related allocations now that one was removed server-side return findHasMany(node, 'allocations').then(allocations => { const dbAllocations = this.server.db.allocations.where({ nodeId: node.get('id') }); assert.equal( allocations.get('length'), dbAllocations.length, 'Allocations returned from the findHasMany matches the db state' ); assert.equal('allocation').get('length'), dbAllocations.length, 'Server-side deleted allocation was removed from the store' ); }); }); }); }); test('findHasMany does not remove old unrelated models from the store', function(assert) { let node; run(() => { // Fetch the first node and related allocations'node', 'node-1').then(model => { node = model; return findHasMany(model, 'allocations'); }); // Also fetch the second node and related allocations;'node', 'node-2').then(model => findHasMany(model, 'allocations')); }); return wait().then(() => { assert.deepEqual( .peekAll('allocation') .mapBy('id') .sort(), ['node-1-1', 'node-1-2', 'node-2-1', 'node-2-2'], 'All allocations for the first and second node are in the store' ); server.db.allocations.remove('node-1-1'); run(() => { // Reload the related allocations now that one was removed server-side return findHasMany(node, 'allocations').then(() => { assert.deepEqual( .peekAll('allocation') .mapBy('id') .sort(), ['node-1-2', 'node-2-1', 'node-2-2'], 'The deleted allocation is removed from the store and the allocations associated with the other node are untouched' ); }); }); }); }); // Using fetchLink on a model's hasMany relationship exercises the adapter's // findHasMany method as well normalizing the response and pushing it to the store function findHasMany(model, relationshipName) { const relationship = model.relationshipFor(relationshipName); return model.hasMany(relationship.key).hasManyRelationship.fetchLink(); }