# Terraform infrastructure This folder contains terraform resources for provisioning EC2 instances on AWS to use as the target of end-to-end tests. Terraform provisions the AWS infrastructure only, whereas the Nomad cluster is deployed to that infrastructure by the e2e framework. Terraform's output will include a `provisioning` stanza that can be written to a JSON file used by the e2e framework's provisioning step. You can use Terraform to output the provisioning parameter JSON file the e2e framework uses. ## Setup You'll need Terraform 0.13+, as well as AWS credentials to create the Nomad cluster. This Terraform stack assumes that an appropriate instance role has been configured elsewhere and that you have the ability to `AssumeRole` into the AWS account. Optionally, edit the `terraform.tfvars` file to change the number of Linux clients or Windows clients. ```hcl region = "us-east-1" instance_type = "t2.medium" server_count = "3" client_count = "4" windows_client_count = "1" ``` Run Terraform apply to deploy the infrastructure: ```sh cd e2e/terraform/ terraform apply ``` ## Outputs After deploying the infrastructure, you can get connection information about the cluster: - `$(terraform output environment)` will set your current shell's `NOMAD_ADDR` and `CONSUL_HTTP_ADDR` to point to one of the cluster's server nodes, and set the `NOMAD_E2E` variable. - `terraform output servers` will output the list of server node IPs. - `terraform output linux_clients` will output the list of Linux client node IPs. - `terraform output windows_clients` will output the list of Windows client node IPs. - `terraform output provisioning | jq .` will output the JSON used by the e2e framework for provisioning. ## SSH You can use Terraform outputs above to access nodes via ssh: ```sh ssh -i keys/nomad-e2e-*.pem ubuntu@${EC2_IP_ADDR} ``` The Windows client runs OpenSSH for convenience, but has a different user and will drop you into a Powershell shell instead of bash: ```sh ssh -i keys/nomad-e2e-*.pem Administrator@${EC2_IP_ADDR} ``` ## Teardown The terraform state file stores all the info. ```sh cd e2e/terraform/ terraform destroy ```