import { getOwner } from '@ember/application'; import Service from '@ember/service'; import { moduleFor, test } from 'ember-qunit'; import Pretender from 'pretender'; moduleFor('service:token', 'Unit | Service | Token', { beforeEach() { const mockSystem = Service.extend({ activeRegion: 'region-1', shouldIncludeRegion: true, }); this.register('service:system', mockSystem); this.system = getOwner(this).lookup('service:system'); this.server = new Pretender(function() { this.get('/path', () => [200, {}, null]); }); }, afterEach() { this.server.shutdown(); }, subject() { return getOwner(this) .factoryFor('service:token') .create(); }, }); test('authorizedRequest includes the region param when the system service says to', function(assert) { const token = this.subject(); token.authorizedRequest('/path'); assert.equal( this.server.handledRequests.pop().url, `/path?region=${this.system.get('activeRegion')}`, 'The region param is included when the system service shouldIncludeRegion property is true' ); this.system.set('shouldIncludeRegion', false); token.authorizedRequest('/path'); assert.equal( this.server.handledRequests.pop().url, '/path', 'The region param is not included when the system service shouldIncludeRegion property is false' ); }); test('authorizedRawRequest bypasses adding the region param', function(assert) { const token = this.subject(); token.authorizedRawRequest('/path'); assert.equal( this.server.handledRequests.pop().url, '/path', 'The region param is ommitted when making a raw request' ); });