import { Ability } from 'ember-can'; import { inject as service } from '@ember/service'; import { computed, get } from '@ember/object'; import { equal, not } from '@ember/object/computed'; import classic from 'ember-classic-decorator'; @classic export default class Abstract extends Ability { @service system; @service token; @not('token.aclEnabled') bypassAuthorization; @equal('token.selfToken.type', 'management') selfTokenIsManagement; @computed('') get activeNamespace() { return this.get('') || 'default'; } @computed('activeNamespace', 'token.selfTokenPolicies.[]') get rulesForActiveNamespace() { let activeNamespace = this.activeNamespace; return (this.get('token.selfTokenPolicies') || []).toArray().reduce((rules, policy) => { let policyNamespaces = get(policy, 'rulesJSON.Namespaces') || []; let matchingNamespace = this._findMatchingNamespace(policyNamespaces, activeNamespace); if (matchingNamespace) { rules.push(policyNamespaces.find(namespace => namespace.Name === matchingNamespace)); } return rules; }, []); } activeNamespaceIncludesCapability(capability) { return this.rulesForActiveNamespace.some(rules => { let capabilities = get(rules, 'Capabilities') || []; return capabilities.includes(capability); }); } // Chooses the closest namespace as described at the bottom here: // _findMatchingNamespace(policyNamespaces, activeNamespace) { let namespaceNames = policyNamespaces.mapBy('Name'); if (namespaceNames.includes(activeNamespace)) { return activeNamespace; } let globNamespaceNames = namespaceNames.filter(namespaceName => namespaceName.includes('*')); let matchingNamespaceName = globNamespaceNames.reduce( (mostMatching, namespaceName) => { // Convert * wildcards to .* for regex matching let namespaceNameRegExp = new RegExp(namespaceName.replace(/\*/g, '.*')); let characterDifference = activeNamespace.length - namespaceName.length; if ( characterDifference < mostMatching.mostMatchingCharacterDifference && activeNamespace.match(namespaceNameRegExp) ) { return { mostMatchingNamespaceName: namespaceName, mostMatchingCharacterDifference: characterDifference, }; } else { return mostMatching; } }, { mostMatchingNamespaceName: null, mostMatchingCharacterDifference: Number.MAX_SAFE_INTEGER } ).mostMatchingNamespaceName; if (matchingNamespaceName) { return matchingNamespaceName; } else if (namespaceNames.includes('default')) { return 'default'; } } }