import Route from '@ember/routing/route'; import { inject as service } from '@ember/service'; import { collect } from '@ember/object/computed'; import { watchRecord, watchNonStoreRecords, } from 'nomad-ui/utils/properties/watch'; import WithWatchers from 'nomad-ui/mixins/with-watchers'; import notifyError from 'nomad-ui/utils/notify-error'; export default class AllocationRoute extends Route.extend(WithWatchers) { @service store; startWatchers(controller, model) { if (model) { controller.set('watcher',; const anyGroupServicesAreNomad = !!model.taskGroup?.services?.filterBy( 'provider', 'nomad' ).length; const anyTaskServicesAreNomad = model.states .mapBy('') .compact() .map((fragmentClass) => fragmentClass.mapBy('provider')) .flat() .any((provider) => provider === 'nomad'); // Conditionally Long Poll /checks endpoint if alloc has nomad services if (anyGroupServicesAreNomad || anyTaskServicesAreNomad) { controller.set( 'watchHealthChecks', this.watchHealthChecks.perform(model, 'getServiceHealth', 2000) ); } } } async model() { try { // Preload the job for the allocation since it's required for the breadcrumb trail const allocation = await super.model(...arguments); const jobId = allocation?.belongsTo('job').id(); const getJob ='job', jobId); const getNamespaces ='namespace'); await Promise.all([getJob, getNamespaces]); return allocation; } catch { notifyError(this); } } @watchRecord('allocation') watch; @watchNonStoreRecords('allocation') watchHealthChecks; @collect('watch', 'watchHealthChecks') watchers; }