import React, { Component } from 'react' import StatusBar from './StatusBar' import marked from 'marked' import Button from '@hashicorp/react-button' import Image from '@hashicorp/react-image' class FeaturedSlider extends Component { constructor(props) { super(props) const timing = this.props.timing ? parseInt(this.props.timing) : 10 this.state = { active: 0, timing: timing, numFrames: this.props.features.length, measure: true, containerWidth: 0 } this.frames = [] this.handleClick = this.handleClick.bind(this) this.throttledResize = this.throttledResize.bind(this) this.measureFrameSize = this.measureFrameSize.bind(this) this.resetTimer = this.resetTimer.bind(this) this.resizeTimeout = null } componentDidMount() { if (this.state.numFrames > 1) { this.timer = setInterval(() => this.tick(), this.state.timing * 1000) this.measureFrameSize() } window.addEventListener('resize', this.throttledResize, false) } componentWillUnmount() { clearInterval(this.timer) window.removeEventListener('resize', this.throttledResize) } componentDidUpdate(prevProps, prevState) { if (this.props.features !== prevProps.features) { if (this.props.features.length != prevState.numFrames) { this.setState( { numFrames: this.props.features.length, measure: true }, () => { if (this.props.features.length === 1) { clearInterval(this.timer) window.removeEventListener('resize', this.throttledResize) } } ) } if ( > this.props.features.length - 1) { this.setState({ active: 0 }) } } if (this.props.timing && parseInt(this.props.timing) != prevState.timing) { this.setState( { timing: parseInt(this.props.timing), active: 0 }, this.resetTimer ) } // If we're measuring on this update get the width if (!prevState.measure && this.state.measure && this.state.numFrames > 1) { this.measureFrameSize() } } resetTimer() { clearInterval(this.timer) this.timer = setInterval(() => this.tick(), this.state.timing * 1000) } throttledResize() { this.resizeTimeout && clearTimeout(this.resizeTimeout) this.resizeTimeout = setTimeout(() => { this.resizeTimeout = null this.setState({ measure: true }) }, 250) } tick() { const nextSlide = === this.state.numFrames - 1 ? 0 : + 1 this.setState({ active: nextSlide }) } handleClick(i) { if (i === return this.setState({ active: i }, this.resetTimer) } measureFrameSize() { // All frames are the same size, so we measure the first one if (this.frames[0]) { const { width } = this.frames[0].getBoundingClientRect() this.setState({ frameSize: width, containerWidth: width * this.state.numFrames, measure: false }) } } render() { // Clear our frames array so we don't keep old refs around this.frames = [] const { theme, brand, features } = this.props const { measure, active, timing, numFrames, containerWidth } = this.state const single = numFrames === 1 // Create inline styling for slide container // If we're measuring, or have a single slide then no inline styles should be applied const containerStyle = measure || single ? {} : { width: `${containerWidth}px`, transform: `translateX(-${(containerWidth / numFrames) * active}px` } // Create inline styling to apply to each frame // If we're measuring or have a single slide then no inline styles should be applied const frameStyle = measure || single ? {} : { float: 'left', width: `${100 / numFrames}%` } return (
{!single && (
{, i) => (
this.handleClick(i)} key={feature.logo.url} >
{/* React pushes a null ref the first time, so we're filtering those out. */} {/* see */} { => (
el && this.frames.push(el)} key={feature.heading} >
{single && (

) } } export default FeaturedSlider