import { findAll, find } from 'ember-native-dom-helpers'; import { test, moduleForComponent } from 'ember-qunit'; import hbs from 'htmlbars-inline-precompile'; moduleForComponent('job-diff', 'Integration | Component | job diff', { integration: true, }); const commonTemplate = hbs`
{{job-diff diff=diff}}
`; test('job field diffs', function(assert) { this.set('diff', { ID: 'test-case-1', Type: 'Edited', Objects: null, Fields: [ field('Removed Field', 'deleted', 12), field('Added Field', 'added', 'Foobar'), field('Edited Field', 'edited', 512, 256), ], }); this.render(commonTemplate); assert.equal( findAll('.diff-section-label').length, 5, 'A section label for each line, plus one for the group' ); assert.equal( cleanWhitespace(find('.diff-section-label').textContent), '+ Added Field: "Foobar"', 'Added field is rendered correctly' ); assert.equal( cleanWhitespace(find('.diff-section-label').textContent), '+/- Edited Field: "256" => "512"', 'Edited field is rendered correctly' ); assert.equal( cleanWhitespace(find('.diff-section-label').textContent), '- Removed Field: "12"', 'Removed field is rendered correctly' ); }); test('job object diffs', function(assert) { this.set('diff', { ID: 'test-case-2', Type: 'Edited', Objects: [ { Name: 'ComplexProperty', Type: 'Edited', Objects: null, Fields: [ field('Prop 1', 'added', 'prop-1-value'), field('Prop 2', 'none', 'prop-2-is-the-same'), field('Prop 3', 'edited', 'new value', 'some old value'), field('Prop 4', 'deleted', 'delete me'), ], }, { Name: 'DeepConfiguration', Type: 'Added', Objects: [ { Name: 'VP Props', Type: 'Added', Objects: null, Fields: [ field('Engineering', 'added', 'Regina Phalange'), field('Customer Support', 'added', 'Jerome Hendricks'), field('HR', 'added', 'Jack Blue'), field('Sales', 'added', 'Maria Lopez'), ], }, ], Fields: [field('Executive Prop', 'added', 'in charge')], }, { Name: 'DatedStuff', Type: 'Deleted', Objects: null, Fields: [field('Deprecated', 'deleted', 'useless')], }, ], Fields: null, }); this.render(commonTemplate); assert.ok( cleanWhitespace( find('.diff-section-label >').textContent ).startsWith('+ DeepConfiguration {'), 'Added object starts with a JSON block' ); assert.ok( cleanWhitespace( find('.diff-section-label >').textContent ).startsWith('+/- ComplexProperty {'), 'Edited object starts with a JSON block' ); assert.ok( cleanWhitespace( find('.diff-section-label >').textContent ).startsWith('- DatedStuff {'), 'Removed object starts with a JSON block' ); assert.ok( cleanWhitespace( find('.diff-section-label >').textContent ).endsWith('}'), 'Added object ends the JSON block' ); assert.ok( cleanWhitespace( find('.diff-section-label >').textContent ).endsWith('}'), 'Edited object starts with a JSON block' ); assert.ok( cleanWhitespace( find('.diff-section-label >').textContent ).endsWith('}'), 'Removed object ends the JSON block' ); assert.equal( findAll('.diff-section-label > > .diff-section-label').length, this.get('diff').Objects[1].Objects.length + this.get('diff').Objects[1].Fields.length, 'Edited block contains each nested field and object' ); assert.equal( findAll( '.diff-section-label > > .diff-section-label > .diff-section-label .diff-section-table-row' ).length, this.get('diff').Objects[1].Objects[0].Fields.length, 'Objects within objects are rendered' ); }); function field(name, type, newVal, oldVal) { switch (type) { case 'added': return { Annotations: null, New: newVal, Old: '', Type: 'Added', Name: name, }; case 'deleted': return { Annotations: null, New: '', Old: newVal, Type: 'Deleted', Name: name, }; case 'edited': return { Annotations: null, New: newVal, Old: oldVal, Type: 'Edited', Name: name, }; } return { Annotations: null, New: newVal, Old: oldVal, Type: 'None', Name: name, }; } function cleanWhitespace(string) { return string .replace(/\n/g, '') .replace(/ +/g, ' ') .trim(); }