import { inject as service } from '@ember/service'; import Component from '@ember/component'; import { action, computed } from '@ember/object'; import { alias } from '@ember/object/computed'; import RSVP from 'rsvp'; import { logger } from 'nomad-ui/utils/classes/log'; import timeout from 'nomad-ui/utils/timeout'; import { classNames } from '@ember-decorators/component'; import classic from 'ember-classic-decorator'; class MockAbortController { abort() { /* noop */ } } @classic @classNames('boxed-section', 'task-log') export default class TaskLog extends Component { @service token; @service userSettings; allocation = null; task = null; // When true, request logs from the server agent useServer = false; // When true, logs cannot be fetched from either the client or the server noConnection = false; clientTimeout = 1000; serverTimeout = 5000; isStreaming = true; streamMode = 'streaming'; @alias('userSettings.logMode') mode; @computed('allocation.{id,node.httpAddr}', 'useServer') get logUrl() { const address = this.get('allocation.node.httpAddr'); const allocation = this.get(''); const url = `/v1/client/fs/logs/${allocation}`; return this.useServer ? url : `//${address}${url}`; } @computed('task', 'mode') get logParams() { return { task: this.task, type: this.mode, }; } @logger('logUrl', 'logParams', function logFetch() { // If the log request can't settle in one second, the client // must be unavailable and the server should be used instead const aborter = window.AbortController ? new AbortController() : new MockAbortController(); const timing = this.useServer ? this.serverTimeout : this.clientTimeout; // Capture the state of useServer at logger create time to avoid a race // between the stdout logger and stderr logger running at once. const useServer = this.useServer; return (url) => RSVP.race([ this.token.authorizedRequest(url, { signal: aborter.signal }), timeout(timing), ]).then( (response) => { return response; }, (error) => { aborter.abort(); if (useServer) { this.set('noConnection', true); } else { this.send('failoverToServer'); } throw error; } ); }) logger; @action setMode(mode) { if (this.mode === mode) return; this.logger.stop(); this.set('mode', mode); } @action toggleStream() { this.set('streamMode', 'streaming'); this.toggleProperty('isStreaming'); } @action gotoHead() { this.set('streamMode', 'head'); this.set('isStreaming', false); } @action gotoTail() { this.set('streamMode', 'tail'); this.set('isStreaming', false); } @action failoverToServer() { this.set('useServer', true); } }