import Ember from 'ember'; import queryString from 'npm:query-string'; import { task } from 'ember-concurrency'; import StreamLogger from 'nomad-ui/utils/classes/stream-logger'; import PollLogger from 'nomad-ui/utils/classes/poll-logger'; const { Object: EmberObject, Evented, computed, assign } = Ember; const Log = EmberObject.extend(Evented, { // Parameters url: '', params: computed(() => ({})), logFetch() { Ember.assert( 'Log objects need a logFetch method, which should have an interface like window.fetch' ); }, // Read-only state isStreaming: computed.alias('logStreamer.poll.isRunning'), logPointer: null, logStreamer: null, // The top of the log head: '', // The bottom of the log tail: '', // The top or bottom of the log, depending on whether // the logPointer is pointed at head or tail output: computed('logPointer', 'head', 'tail', function() { return this.get('logPointer') === 'head' ? this.get('head') : this.get('tail'); }), init() { this._super(); const args = this.getProperties('url', 'params', 'logFetch'); args.write = chunk => { let newTail = this.get('tail') + chunk; if (newTail.length > 50000) { newTail = newTail.substr(newTail.length - 50000); } this.set('tail', newTail); this.trigger('tick', chunk); }; if (window.ReadableStream) { this.set('logStreamer', StreamLogger.create(args)); } else { this.set('logStreamer', PollLogger.create(args)); } }, destroy() { this.stop(); this._super(); }, gotoHead: task(function*() { const logFetch = this.get('logFetch'); const queryParams = queryString.stringify( assign(this.get('params'), { plain: true, origin: 'start', offset: 0, }) ); const url = `${this.get('url')}?${queryParams}`; this.stop(); let text = yield logFetch(url).then(res => res.text()); if (text.length > 50000) { text = text.substr(0, 50000); text += '\n\n---------- TRUNCATED: Click "tail" to view the bottom of the log ----------'; } this.set('head', text); this.set('logPointer', 'head'); }), gotoTail: task(function*() { const logFetch = this.get('logFetch'); const queryParams = queryString.stringify( assign(this.get('params'), { plain: true, origin: 'end', offset: 50000, }) ); const url = `${this.get('url')}?${queryParams}`; this.stop(); let text = yield logFetch(url).then(res => res.text()); this.set('tail', text); this.set('logPointer', 'tail'); }), startStreaming() { this.set('logPointer', 'tail'); return this.get('logStreamer').start(); }, stop() { this.get('logStreamer').stop(); }, }); export default Log; export function logger(urlProp, params, logFetch) { return computed(urlProp, params, function() { return Log.create({ logFetch:, params: this.get(params), url: this.get(urlProp), }); }); }