import { get } from '@ember/object'; import { test } from 'qunit'; import moment from 'moment'; import moduleForAcceptance from 'nomad-ui/tests/helpers/module-for-acceptance'; import Deployments from 'nomad-ui/tests/pages/jobs/job/deployments'; const sum = (list, key, getter = a => a) => list.reduce((sum, item) => sum + getter(get(item, key)), 0); let job; let deployments; let sortedDeployments; moduleForAcceptance('Acceptance | job deployments', { beforeEach() { server.create('node'); job = server.create('job'); deployments = server.schema.deployments.where({ jobId: }); sortedDeployments = deployments.sort((a, b) => { const aVersion = server.db.jobVersions.findBy({ jobId: a.jobId, version: a.versionNumber }); const bVersion = server.db.jobVersions.findBy({ jobId: b.jobId, version: b.versionNumber }); if (aVersion.submitTime < bVersion.submitTime) { return 1; } else if (aVersion.submitTime > bVersion.submitTime) { return -1; } return 0; }); }, }); test('/jobs/:id/deployments should list all job deployments', function(assert) { Deployments.visit({ id: }); andThen(() => { assert.ok( Deployments.deployments.length, deployments.length, 'Each deployment gets a row in the timeline' ); }); }); test('each deployment mentions the deployment shortId, status, version, and time since it was submitted', function(assert) { Deployments.visit({ id: }); andThen(() => { const deployment = sortedDeployments.models[0]; const version = server.db.jobVersions.findBy({ jobId: deployment.jobId, version: deployment.versionNumber, }); const deploymentRow = Deployments.deployments.objectAt(0); assert.ok(deploymentRow.text.includes('-')[0]), 'Short ID'); assert.equal(deploymentRow.status, deployment.status, 'Status'); assert.ok( deploymentRow.statusClass.includes(classForStatus(deployment.status)), 'Status Class' ); assert.ok(deploymentRow.version.includes(deployment.versionNumber), 'Version #'); assert.ok( deploymentRow.submitTime.includes(moment(version.submitTime / 1000000).fromNow()), 'Submit time ago' ); }); }); test('when the deployment is running and needs promotion, the deployment item says so', function(assert) { // Ensure the deployment needs deployment const deployment = sortedDeployments.models[0]; const taskGroupSummary = => server.schema.deploymentTaskGroupSummaries.find(id) )[0]; deployment.update('status', 'running');; taskGroupSummary.update({ desiredCanaries: 1, placedCanaries: [], promoted: false, });; Deployments.visit({ id: }); andThen(() => { const deploymentRow = Deployments.deployments.objectAt(0); assert.ok(deploymentRow.promotionIsRequired, 'Requires Promotion badge found'); }); }); test('each deployment item can be opened to show details', function(assert) { Deployments.visit({ id: }); andThen(() => { const deploymentRow = Deployments.deployments.objectAt(0); assert.notOk(deploymentRow.hasDetails, 'No deployment body'); deploymentRow.toggle(); andThen(() => { assert.ok(deploymentRow.hasDetails, 'Deployment body found'); }); }); }); test('when open, a deployment shows the deployment metrics', function(assert) { Deployments.visit({ id: }); andThen(() => { const deployment = sortedDeployments.models[0]; const deploymentRow = Deployments.deployments.objectAt(0); const taskGroupSummaries = => server.db.deploymentTaskGroupSummaries.find(id) ); deploymentRow.toggle(); andThen(() => { assert.equal( deploymentRow.metricFor('canaries').text, `${sum(taskGroupSummaries, 'placedCanaries', a => a.length)} / ${sum( taskGroupSummaries, 'desiredCanaries' )}`, 'Canaries, both places and desired, are in the metrics' ); assert.equal( deploymentRow.metricFor('placed').text, sum(taskGroupSummaries, 'placedAllocs'), 'Placed allocs aggregates across task groups' ); assert.equal( deploymentRow.metricFor('desired').text, sum(taskGroupSummaries, 'desiredTotal'), 'Desired allocs aggregates across task groups' ); assert.equal( deploymentRow.metricFor('healthy').text, sum(taskGroupSummaries, 'healthyAllocs'), 'Healthy allocs aggregates across task groups' ); assert.equal( deploymentRow.metricFor('unhealthy').text, sum(taskGroupSummaries, 'unhealthyAllocs'), 'Unhealthy allocs aggregates across task groups' ); assert.equal( deploymentRow.notification, deployment.statusDescription, 'Status description is in the metrics block' ); }); }); }); test('when open, a deployment shows a list of all task groups and their respective stats', function(assert) { Deployments.visit({ id: }); andThen(() => { const deployment = sortedDeployments.models[0]; const deploymentRow = Deployments.deployments.objectAt(0); const taskGroupSummaries = => server.db.deploymentTaskGroupSummaries.find(id) ); deploymentRow.toggle(); andThen(() => { assert.ok(deploymentRow.hasTaskGroups, 'Task groups found'); assert.equal( deploymentRow.taskGroups.length, taskGroupSummaries.length, 'One row per task group' ); const taskGroup = taskGroupSummaries[0]; const taskGroupRow = deploymentRow.taskGroups.objectAt(0); assert.equal(,, 'Name'); assert.equal(taskGroupRow.promotion, promotionTestForTaskGroup(taskGroup), 'Needs Promotion'); assert.equal(taskGroupRow.autoRevert, taskGroup.autoRevert ? 'Yes' : 'No', 'Auto Revert'); assert.equal( taskGroupRow.canaries, `${taskGroup.placedCanaries.length} / ${taskGroup.desiredCanaries}`, 'Canaries' ); assert.equal( taskGroupRow.allocs, `${taskGroup.placedAllocs} / ${taskGroup.desiredTotal}`, 'Allocs' ); assert.equal(taskGroupRow.healthy, taskGroup.healthyAllocs, 'Healthy Allocs'); assert.equal(taskGroupRow.unhealthy, taskGroup.unhealthyAllocs, 'Unhealthy Allocs'); assert.equal( taskGroupRow.progress, moment(taskGroup.requireProgressBy).format('MM/DD/YY HH:mm:ss'), 'Progress By' ); }); }); }); test('when open, a deployment shows a list of all allocations for the deployment', function(assert) { Deployments.visit({ id: }); andThen(() => { const deployment = sortedDeployments.models[0]; const deploymentRow = Deployments.deployments.objectAt(0); // TODO: Make this less brittle. This logic is copied from the mirage config, // since there is no reference to allocations on the deployment model. const allocations = server.db.allocations.where({ jobId: deployment.jobId }).slice(0, 3); deploymentRow.toggle(); andThen(() => { assert.ok(deploymentRow.hasAllocations, 'Allocations found'); assert.equal(deploymentRow.allocations.length, allocations.length, 'One row per allocation'); const allocation = allocations[0]; const allocationRow = deploymentRow.allocations.objectAt(0); assert.equal(allocationRow.shortId,'-')[0], 'Allocation is as expected'); }); }); }); function classForStatus(status) { const classMap = { running: 'is-running', successful: 'is-primary', paused: 'is-light', failed: 'is-error', cancelled: 'is-cancelled', }; return classMap[status] || 'is-dark'; } function promotionTestForTaskGroup(taskGroup) { if (taskGroup.desiredCanaries > 0 && taskGroup.promoted === false) { return 'Yes'; } else if (taskGroup.desiredCanaries > 0) { return 'No'; } return 'N/A'; }