import Component from '@glimmer/component'; import { inject as service } from '@ember/service'; export default class AllocationServiceSidebarComponent extends Component { @service store; get isSideBarOpen() { return !!this.args.service; } keyCommands = [ { label: 'Close Evaluations Sidebar', pattern: ['Escape'], action: () => this.args.fns.closeSidebar(), }, ]; get service() { return'service-fragment', { refID: this.args.serviceID }); } get address() { const port = this.args.allocation?.allocatedResources?.ports?.findBy( 'label', this.args.service.portLabel ); if (port) { return `${port.hostIp}:${port.value}`; } else { return null; } } get aggregateStatus() { return this.checks.any((check) => check.Status === 'failure') ? 'Unhealthy' : 'Healthy'; } get checks() { if (!this.args.service || !this.args.allocation) return; let allocID =; // Our UI checks run every 2 seconds; but a check itself may only update every, say, minute. // Therefore, we'll have duplicate checks in a service's healthChecks array. // Only get the most recent check for each check. return (this.args.service.healthChecks || []) .filterBy('Alloc', allocID) .uniqBy('Timestamp') .sortBy('Timestamp') .reverse() .uniqBy('Check') .sortBy('Check'); } }