import EmberObject from '@ember/object'; import { assign } from '@ember/polyfills'; import wait from 'ember-test-helpers/wait'; import { module, test } from 'ember-qunit'; import sinon from 'sinon'; import Pretender from 'pretender'; import NodeStatsTracker, { stats } from 'nomad-ui/utils/classes/node-stats-tracker'; import fetch from 'nomad-ui/utils/fetch'; import statsTrackerFrameMissingBehavior from './behaviors/stats-tracker-frame-missing'; module('Unit | Util | NodeStatsTracker'); const refDate = * 1000000; const makeDate = ts => new Date(ts / 1000000); const MockNode = overrides => assign( { id: 'some-identifier', resources: { cpu: 2000, memory: 4096, }, }, overrides ); const mockFrame = step => ({ CPUTicksConsumed: step + 1000, Memory: { Used: (step + 2048) * 1024 * 1024, }, Timestamp: refDate + step, }); test('the NodeStatsTracker constructor expects a fetch definition and a node', function(assert) { const tracker = NodeStatsTracker.create(); assert.throws( () => { tracker.fetch(); }, /StatsTrackers need a fetch method/, 'Polling does not work without a fetch method provided' ); }); test('the url property is computed based off the node id', function(assert) { const node = MockNode(); const tracker = NodeStatsTracker.create({ fetch, node }); assert.equal( tracker.get('url'), `/v1/client/stats?node_id=${}`, 'Url is derived from the node id' ); }); test('reservedCPU and reservedMemory properties come from the node', function(assert) { const node = MockNode(); const tracker = NodeStatsTracker.create({ fetch, node }); assert.equal(tracker.get('reservedCPU'), node.resources.cpu, 'reservedCPU comes from the node'); assert.equal( tracker.get('reservedMemory'), node.resources.memory, 'reservedMemory comes from the node' ); }); test('poll results in requesting the url and calling append with the resulting JSON', function(assert) { const node = MockNode(); const tracker = NodeStatsTracker.create({ fetch, node, append: sinon.spy() }); const mockFrame = { Some: { data: ['goes', 'here'], twelve: 12, }, }; const server = new Pretender(function() { this.get('/v1/client/stats', () => [200, {}, JSON.stringify(mockFrame)]); }); tracker.get('poll').perform(); assert.equal(server.handledRequests.length, 1, 'Only one request was made'); assert.equal( server.handledRequests[0].url, `/v1/client/stats?node_id=${}`, 'The correct URL was requested' ); return wait().then(() => { assert.ok( tracker.append.calledWith(mockFrame), 'The JSON response was passed into append as a POJO' ); server.shutdown(); }); }); test('append appropriately maps a data frame to the tracked stats for cpu and memory for the node', function(assert) { const node = MockNode(); const tracker = NodeStatsTracker.create({ fetch, node }); assert.deepEqual(tracker.get('cpu'), [], 'No tracked cpu yet'); assert.deepEqual(tracker.get('memory'), [], 'No tracked memory yet'); tracker.append(mockFrame(1)); assert.deepEqual( tracker.get('cpu'), [{ timestamp: makeDate(refDate + 1), used: 1001, percent: 1001 / 2000 }], 'One frame of cpu' ); assert.deepEqual( tracker.get('memory'), [{ timestamp: makeDate(refDate + 1), used: 2049 * 1024 * 1024, percent: 2049 / 4096 }], 'One frame of memory' ); tracker.append(mockFrame(2)); assert.deepEqual( tracker.get('cpu'), [ { timestamp: makeDate(refDate + 1), used: 1001, percent: 1001 / 2000 }, { timestamp: makeDate(refDate + 2), used: 1002, percent: 1002 / 2000 }, ], 'Two frames of cpu' ); assert.deepEqual( tracker.get('memory'), [ { timestamp: makeDate(refDate + 1), used: 2049 * 1024 * 1024, percent: 2049 / 4096 }, { timestamp: makeDate(refDate + 2), used: 2050 * 1024 * 1024, percent: 2050 / 4096 }, ], 'Two frames of memory' ); }); test('each stat list has maxLength equal to bufferSize', function(assert) { const node = MockNode(); const bufferSize = 10; const tracker = NodeStatsTracker.create({ fetch, node, bufferSize }); for (let i = 1; i <= 20; i++) { tracker.append(mockFrame(i)); } assert.equal( tracker.get('cpu.length'), bufferSize, `20 calls to append, only ${bufferSize} frames in the stats array` ); assert.equal( tracker.get('memory.length'), bufferSize, `20 calls to append, only ${bufferSize} frames in the stats array` ); assert.equal( +tracker.get('cpu')[0].timestamp, +makeDate(refDate + 11), 'Old frames are removed in favor of newer ones' ); assert.equal( +tracker.get('memory')[0].timestamp, +makeDate(refDate + 11), 'Old frames are removed in favor of newer ones' ); }); test('the stats computed property macro constructs a NodeStatsTracker based on a nodeProp and a fetch definition', function(assert) { const node = MockNode(); const fetchSpy = sinon.spy(); const SomeClass = EmberObject.extend({ stats: stats('theNode', function() { return () => fetchSpy(this); }), }); const someObject = SomeClass.create({ theNode: node, }); assert.equal( someObject.get('stats.url'), `/v1/client/stats?node_id=${}`, 'stats computed property macro creates a NodeStatsTracker' ); someObject.get('stats').fetch(); assert.ok( fetchSpy.calledWith(someObject), 'the fetch factory passed into the macro gets called to assign a bound version of fetch to the NodeStatsTracker instance' ); }); test('changing the value of the nodeProp constructs a new NodeStatsTracker', function(assert) { const node1 = MockNode(); const node2 = MockNode(); const SomeClass = EmberObject.extend({ stats: stats('theNode', () => fetch), }); const someObject = SomeClass.create({ theNode: node1, }); const stats1 = someObject.get('stats'); someObject.set('theNode', node2); const stats2 = someObject.get('stats'); assert.notOk( stats1 === stats2, 'Changing the value of the node results in creating a new NodeStatsTracker instance' ); }); statsTrackerFrameMissingBehavior({ resourceName: 'node', ResourceConstructor: MockNode, TrackerConstructor: NodeStatsTracker, mockFrame, compileResources(frame) { const timestamp = makeDate(frame.Timestamp); return [ { timestamp, used: frame.CPUTicksConsumed, percent: frame.CPUTicksConsumed / 2000, }, { timestamp, used: frame.Memory.Used, percent: frame.Memory.Used / 1024 / 1024 / 4096, }, ]; }, });