import Component from '@ember/component'; import { run } from '@ember/runloop'; import { task } from 'ember-concurrency'; import WindowResizable from 'nomad-ui/mixins/window-resizable'; import { classNames, tagName } from '@ember-decorators/component'; import classic from 'ember-classic-decorator'; @classic @tagName('pre') @classNames('cli-window') export default class StreamingFile extends Component.extend(WindowResizable) { 'data-test-log-cli' = true; mode = 'streaming'; // head, tail, streaming isStreaming = true; logger = null; didReceiveAttrs() { if (!this.logger) { return; } run.scheduleOnce('actions', this, this.performTask); } performTask() { switch (this.mode) { case 'head': this.head.perform(); break; case 'tail': this.tail.perform(); break; case 'streaming': if (this.isStreaming) {; } else { this.logger.stop(); } break; } } didInsertElement() { this.fillAvailableHeight(); } windowResizeHandler() { run.once(this, this.fillAvailableHeight); } fillAvailableHeight() { // This math is arbitrary and far from bulletproof, but the UX // of having the log window fill available height is worth the hack. const margins = 30; // Account for padding and margin on either side of the CLI const cliWindow = this.element; = `${window.innerHeight - cliWindow.offsetTop - margins}px`; } @task(function*() { yield this.get('logger.gotoHead').perform(); run.scheduleOnce('afterRender', this, this.scrollToTop); }) head; scrollToTop() { this.element.scrollTop = 0; } @task(function*() { yield this.get('logger.gotoTail').perform(); run.scheduleOnce('afterRender', this, this.synchronizeScrollPosition, [true]); }) tail; synchronizeScrollPosition(force = false) { const cliWindow = this.element; if (cliWindow.scrollHeight - cliWindow.scrollTop < 10 || force) { // If the window is approximately scrolled to the bottom, follow the log cliWindow.scrollTop = cliWindow.scrollHeight; } } @task(function*() { // Force the scroll position to the bottom of the window when starting streaming'tick', () => { run.scheduleOnce('afterRender', this, this.synchronizeScrollPosition, [true]); }); // Follow the log if the scroll position is near the bottom of the cli window this.logger.on('tick', this, 'scheduleScrollSynchronization'); yield this.logger.startStreaming();'tick', this, 'scheduleScrollSynchronization'); }) stream; scheduleScrollSynchronization() { run.scheduleOnce('afterRender', this, this.synchronizeScrollPosition); } willDestroy() { this.logger.stop(); } }