import { module, test } from 'qunit'; import { setupTest } from 'ember-qunit'; import d3Format from 'd3-format'; module('Unit | Component | line-chart', function(hooks) { setupTest(hooks); const data = [ { foo: 1, bar: 100 }, { foo: 2, bar: 200 }, { foo: 3, bar: 300 }, { foo: 8, bar: 400 }, { foo: 4, bar: 500 }, ]; test('x scale domain is the min and max values in data based on the xProp value', function(assert) { const chart = this.owner.factoryFor('component:line-chart').create(); chart.setProperties({ xProp: 'foo', data, }); let [xDomainLow, xDomainHigh] = chart.get('xScale').domain(); assert.equal( xDomainLow, Math.min('foo')), 'Domain lower bound is the lowest foo value' ); assert.equal( xDomainHigh, Math.max('foo')), 'Domain upper bound is the highest foo value' ); chart.set('data', [, { foo: 12, bar: 600 }]); [, xDomainHigh] = chart.get('xScale').domain(); assert.equal(xDomainHigh, 12, 'When the data changes, the xScale is recalculated'); }); test('y scale domain uses the max value in the data based off of yProp, but is always zero-based', function(assert) { const chart = this.owner.factoryFor('component:line-chart').create(); chart.setProperties({ yProp: 'bar', data, }); let [yDomainLow, yDomainHigh] = chart.get('yScale').domain(); assert.equal(yDomainLow, 0, 'Domain lower bound is always 0'); assert.equal( yDomainHigh, Math.max('bar')), 'Domain upper bound is the highest bar value' ); chart.set('data', [, { foo: 12, bar: 600 }]); [, yDomainHigh] = chart.get('yScale').domain(); assert.equal(yDomainHigh, 600, 'When the data changes, the yScale is recalculated'); }); test('the number of yTicks is always odd (to always have a mid-line) and is based off the chart height', function(assert) { const chart = this.owner.factoryFor('component:line-chart').create(); chart.setProperties({ yProp: 'bar', xAxisOffset: 100, data, }); assert.equal(chart.get('yTicks').length, 3); chart.set('xAxisOffset', 240); assert.equal(chart.get('yTicks').length, 5); chart.set('xAxisOffset', 241); assert.equal(chart.get('yTicks').length, 7); }); test('the values for yTicks are rounded to whole numbers', function(assert) { const chart = this.owner.factoryFor('component:line-chart').create(); chart.setProperties({ yProp: 'bar', xAxisOffset: 100, data, }); assert.deepEqual(chart.get('yTicks'), [0, 250, 500]); chart.set('xAxisOffset', 240); assert.deepEqual(chart.get('yTicks'), [0, 125, 250, 375, 500]); chart.set('xAxisOffset', 241); assert.deepEqual(chart.get('yTicks'), [0, 83, 167, 250, 333, 417, 500]); }); test('the values for yTicks are fractions when the domain is between 0 and 1', function(assert) { const chart = this.owner.factoryFor('component:line-chart').create(); chart.setProperties({ yProp: 'bar', xAxisOffset: 100, data: [ { foo: 1, bar: 0.1 }, { foo: 2, bar: 0.2 }, { foo: 3, bar: 0.3 }, { foo: 8, bar: 0.4 }, { foo: 4, bar: 0.5 }, ], }); assert.deepEqual(chart.get('yTicks'), [0, 0.25, 0.5]); }); test('activeDatumLabel is the xProp value of the activeDatum formatted with xFormat', function(assert) { const chart = this.owner.factoryFor('component:line-chart').create(); chart.setProperties({ xProp: 'foo', yProp: 'bar', data, activeDatum: data[1], }); assert.equal( chart.get('activeDatumLabel'), d3Format.format(',')(data[1].foo), 'activeDatumLabel correctly formats the correct prop of the correct datum' ); }); test('activeDatumValue is the yProp value of the activeDatum formatted with yFormat', function(assert) { const chart = this.owner.factoryFor('component:line-chart').create(); chart.setProperties({ xProp: 'foo', yProp: 'bar', data, activeDatum: data[1], }); assert.equal( chart.get('activeDatumValue'), d3Format.format(',.2~r')(data[1].bar), 'activeDatumValue correctly formats the correct prop of the correct datum' ); }); });