import config from 'nomad-ui/config/environment'; import * as topoScenarios from './topo'; import * as sysbatchScenarios from './sysbatch'; import { pickOne } from '../utils'; const withNamespaces = getConfigValue('mirageWithNamespaces', false); const withTokens = getConfigValue('mirageWithTokens', true); const withRegions = getConfigValue('mirageWithRegions', false); const allScenarios = { smallCluster, mediumCluster, largeCluster, massiveCluster, allJobTypes, allNodeTypes, everyFeature, emptyCluster, ...topoScenarios, ...sysbatchScenarios, }; const scenario = getScenarioQueryParameter() || getConfigValue('mirageScenario', 'emptyCluster'); export default function (server) { const activeScenario = allScenarios[scenario]; if (!activeScenario) { throw new Error( `Selected Mirage scenario does not exist.\n\n${scenario} not in list: \n\n\t${Object.keys( allScenarios ).join('\n\t')}` ); } if (withNamespaces) createNamespaces(server); if (withTokens) createTokens(server); if (withRegions) createRegions(server); activeScenario(server); } // Scenarios function smallCluster(server) { server.create('feature', { name: 'Dynamic Application Sizing' }); server.createList('agent', 3, 'withConsulLink', 'withVaultLink'); server.createList('node', 5); server.createList('job', 1, { createRecommendations: true }); server.createList('allocFile', 5); server.create('allocFile', 'dir', { depth: 2 }); server.createList('csi-plugin', 2); server.createList('variable', 3); // #region evaluations // Branching: a single eval that relates to N-1 mutually-unrelated evals const NUM_BRANCHING_EVALUATIONS = 3; Array(NUM_BRANCHING_EVALUATIONS) .fill() .map((_, i) => { return { evaluation: server.create('evaluation', { id: `branching_${i}`, previousEval: i > 0 ? `branching_0` : '', jobID: pickOne(, }), evaluationStub: server.create('evaluation-stub', { id: `branching_${i}`, previousEval: i > 0 ? `branching_0` : '', status: 'failed', }), }; }) .map((x, i, all) => { x.evaluation.update({ relatedEvals: i === 0 ? all.filter((_, j) => j !== 0).map((e) => e.evaluation) : all.filter((_, j) => j !== i).map((e) => e.evaluation), }); return x; }); // Linear: a long line of N related evaluations const NUM_LINEAR_EVALUATIONS = 20; Array(NUM_LINEAR_EVALUATIONS) .fill() .map((_, i) => { return { evaluation: server.create('evaluation', { id: `linear_${i}`, previousEval: i > 0 ? `linear_${i - 1}` : '', jobID: pickOne(, }), evaluationStub: server.create('evaluation-stub', { id: `linear_${i}`, previousEval: i > 0 ? `linear_${i - 1}` : '', nextEval: `linear_${i + 1}`, status: 'failed', }), }; }) .map((x, i, all) => { x.evaluation.update({ relatedEvals: all.filter((_, j) => i !== j).map((e) => e.evaluation), }); return x; }); // #endregion evaluations const csiAllocations = server.createList('allocation', 5); const volumes = server.schema.csiVolumes.all().models; csiAllocations.forEach((alloc) => { const volume = pickOne(volumes); volume.writeAllocs.add(alloc); volume.readAllocs.add(alloc);; }); } function mediumCluster(server) { server.createList('agent', 3, 'withConsulLink', 'withVaultLink'); server.createList('node', 50); server.createList('job', 25); } // Due to Mirage performance, large cluster scenarios will be slow function largeCluster(server) { server.createList('agent', 5); server.createList('node', 1000); server.createList('job', 100); } function massiveCluster(server) { server.createList('agent', 7); server.createList('node', 5000); server.createList('job', 2000); } function allJobTypes(server) { server.createList('agent', 3, 'withConsulLink', 'withVaultLink'); server.createList('node', 5); server.create('job', { type: 'service' }); server.create('job', { type: 'batch' }); server.create('job', { type: 'system' }); server.create('job', 'periodic'); server.create('job', 'parameterized'); server.create('job', 'periodicSysbatch'); server.create('job', 'parameterizedSysbatch'); server.create('job', { failedPlacements: true }); } function allNodeTypes(server) { server.createList('agent', 3, 'withConsulLink', 'withVaultLink'); server.create('node'); server.create('node', 'forceIPv4'); server.create('node', 'draining'); server.create('node', 'forcedDraining'); server.create('node', 'noDeadlineDraining'); server.create('node', 'withMeta'); server.createList('job', 3); } function everyFeature(server) { server.createList('agent', 3, 'withConsulLink', 'withVaultLink'); server.create('node', 'forceIPv4'); server.create('node', 'draining'); server.create('node', 'forcedDraining'); server.create('node', 'noDeadlineDraining'); server.create('node', 'withMeta'); const job1 = server.create('job', { type: 'service', activeDeployment: true, namespaceId: 'default', createAllocations: false, }); server.create('job', { type: 'batch', failedPlacements: true, namespaceId: 'default', }); server.create('job', { type: 'system', namespaceId: 'default' }); server.create('job', 'periodic', { namespaceId: 'default' }); server.create('job', 'parameterized', { namespaceId: 'default' }); server.create('allocation', 'rescheduled', { jobId: }); server.create('allocation', 'preempter', { jobId: }); server.create('allocation', 'preempted', { jobId: }); } function emptyCluster(server) { server.create('agent'); server.create('node'); } // Behaviors function createTokens(server) { server.createList('token', 3); server.create('token', { name: 'Secure McVariables', id: '53cur3-v4r14bl35', }); logTokens(server); } function createNamespaces(server) { server.createList('namespace', 3); } function createRegions(server) { ['americas', 'europe', 'asia', 'some-long-name-just-to-test'].forEach( (id) => { server.create('region', { id }); } ); } /* eslint-disable */ function logTokens(server) { console.log('TOKENS:'); server.db.tokens.forEach((token) => { console.log(` Name: ${} Secret: ${token.secretId} Accessor: ${token.accessorId} `); }); } function getConfigValue(variableName, defaultValue) { const value = config.APP[variableName]; if (value !== undefined) return value; console.warn( `No ENV.APP value set for "${variableName}". Defaulting to "${defaultValue}". To set a custom value, modify config/environment.js` ); return defaultValue; } function getScenarioQueryParameter() { const params = new URLSearchParams(; return params.get('mirage-scenario'); } /* eslint-enable */