import { findAll, find } from 'ember-native-dom-helpers'; import { module, skip, test } from 'qunit'; import { setupRenderingTest } from 'ember-qunit'; import { render } from '@ember/test-helpers'; import hbs from 'htmlbars-inline-precompile'; module('Integration | Component | list pagination', function(hooks) { setupRenderingTest(hooks); const defaults = { source: [], size: 25, page: 1, spread: 2, }; const list100 = Array(100) .fill(null) .map((_, i) => i); test('the source property', async function(assert) { this.set('source', list100); await render(hbs` {{#list-pagination source=source as |p|}} {{p.currentPage}} of {{p.totalPages}} {{#p.first}}first{{/p.first}} {{#p.prev}}prev{{/p.prev}} {{#each p.pageLinks as |link|}} {{link.pageNumber}} {{/each}} {{}}next{{/}} {{#p.last}}last{{/p.last}} {{#each p.list as |item|}}
{{/each}} {{/list-pagination}} `); assert.ok(!findAll('.first').length, 'On the first page, there is no first link'); assert.ok(!findAll('.prev').length, 'On the first page, there is no prev link'); assert.equal( findAll('.link').length, defaults.spread + 1, 'Pages links spread to the right by the spread amount' ); for (var pageNumber = 1; pageNumber <= defaults.spread + 1; pageNumber++) { assert.ok(findAll(`${pageNumber}`).length, `Page link includes ${pageNumber}`); } assert.ok(findAll('.next').length, 'While not on the last page, there is a next link'); assert.ok(findAll('.last').length, 'While not on the last page, there is a last link'); assert.ok( findAll('.item').length, defaults.size, `Only ${defaults.size} (the default) number of items are rendered` ); for (var item = 0; item < defaults.size; item++) { assert.equal( findAll('.item')[item].textContent, item, 'Rendered items are in the current page' ); } }); test('the size property', async function(assert) { this.setProperties({ size: 5, source: list100, }); await render(hbs` {{#list-pagination source=source size=size as |p|}} {{p.currentPage}} of {{p.totalPages}} {{/list-pagination}} `); const totalPages = Math.ceil(this.get('source').length / this.get('size')); assert.equal(find('.page-info').textContent, `1 of ${totalPages}`, `${totalPages} total pages`); }); test('the spread property', async function(assert) { this.setProperties({ source: list100, spread: 1, size: 10, currentPage: 5, }); await render(hbs` {{#list-pagination source=source spread=spread size=size page=currentPage as |p|}} {{#each p.pageLinks as |link|}} {{link.pageNumber}} {{/each}} {{/list-pagination}} `);, assert); this.set('spread', 4);, assert); }); test('page property', async function(assert) { this.setProperties({ source: list100, size: 5, currentPage: 5, }); await render(hbs` {{#list-pagination source=source size=size page=currentPage as |p|}} {{#each p.list as |item|}}
{{/each}} {{/list-pagination}} `);, assert); this.set('currentPage', 2);, assert); }); // Ember doesn't support query params (or controllers or routes) in integration tests, // so links can only be tested in acceptance tests. // Leaving this test here for posterity. skip('pagination links link with query params', function() {}); test('there are no pagination links when source is less than page size', async function(assert) { this.set('source', list100.slice(0, 10)); await render(hbs` {{#list-pagination source=source as |p|}} {{p.currentPage}} of {{p.totalPages}} {{#p.first}}first{{/p.first}} {{#p.prev}}prev{{/p.prev}} {{#each p.pageLinks as |link|}} {{link.pageNumber}} {{/each}} {{}}next{{/}} {{#p.last}}last{{/p.last}} {{#each p.list as |item|}}
{{/each}} {{/list-pagination}} `); assert.ok(!findAll('.first').length, 'No first link'); assert.ok(!findAll('.prev').length, 'No prev link'); assert.ok(!findAll('.next').length, 'No next link'); assert.ok(!findAll('.last').length, 'No last link'); assert.equal(find('.page-info').textContent, '1 of 1', 'Only one page'); assert.equal( findAll('.item').length, this.get('source.length'), 'Number of items equals length of source' ); }); // when there are no items in source test('when there are no items in source', async function(assert) { this.set('source', []); await render(hbs` {{#list-pagination source=source as |p|}} {{p.currentPage}} of {{p.totalPages}} {{#p.first}}first{{/p.first}} {{#p.prev}}prev{{/p.prev}} {{#each p.pageLinks as |link|}} {{link.pageNumber}} {{/each}} {{}}next{{/}} {{#p.last}}last{{/p.last}} {{#each p.list as |item|}}
{{/each}} {{else}}
Empty State
{{/list-pagination}} `); assert.ok( !findAll('.page-info, .first, .prev, .link, .next, .last, .item').length, 'Nothing in the yield renders' ); assert.ok(findAll('.empty-state').length, 'Empty state is rendered'); }); // when there is less pages than the total spread amount test('when there is less pages than the total spread amount', async function(assert) { this.setProperties({ source: list100, spread: 4, size: 20, page: 3, }); const totalPages = Math.ceil(this.get('source.length') / this.get('size')); await render(hbs` {{#list-pagination source=source page=page spread=spread size=size as |p|}} {{p.currentPage}} of {{p.totalPages}} {{#p.first}}first{{/p.first}} {{#p.prev}}prev{{/p.prev}} {{#each p.pageLinks as |link|}} {{link.pageNumber}} {{/each}} {{}}next{{/}} {{#p.last}}last{{/p.last}} {{/list-pagination}} `); assert.ok(findAll('.first').length, 'First page still exists'); assert.ok(findAll('.prev').length, 'Prev page still exists'); assert.ok(findAll('.next').length, 'Next page still exists'); assert.ok(findAll('.last').length, 'Last page still exists'); assert.equal(findAll('.link').length, totalPages, 'Every page gets a page link'); for (var pageNumber = 1; pageNumber < totalPages; pageNumber++) { assert.ok(findAll(`${pageNumber}`).length, `Page link for ${pageNumber} exists`); } }); function testSpread(assert) { const { spread, currentPage } = this.getProperties('spread', 'currentPage'); for (var pageNumber = currentPage - spread; pageNumber <= currentPage + spread; pageNumber++) { assert.ok( findAll(`${pageNumber}`).length, `Page links for currentPage (${currentPage}) +/- spread of ${spread} (${pageNumber})` ); } } function testItems(assert) { const { currentPage, size } = this.getProperties('currentPage', 'size'); for (var item = 0; item < size; item++) { assert.equal( findAll('.item')[item].textContent, item + (currentPage - 1) * size, `Rendered items are in the current page, ${currentPage} (${item + (currentPage - 1) * size})` ); } } });