import { module, test } from 'qunit'; import { setupRenderingTest } from 'ember-qunit'; import { render, settled } from '@ember/test-helpers'; import { find } from 'ember-native-dom-helpers'; import hbs from 'htmlbars-inline-precompile'; import Pretender from 'pretender'; import { logEncode } from '../../mirage/data/logs'; const { assign } = Object; const HOST = ''; module('Integration | Component | task file', function(hooks) { setupRenderingTest(hooks); hooks.beforeEach(function() { this.server = new Pretender(function() { this.get('/v1/regions', () => [200, {}, JSON.stringify(['default'])]); this.get('/v1/client/fs/stream/:alloc_id', () => [200, {}, logEncode(['Hello World'], 0)]); this.get('/v1/client/fs/cat/:alloc_id', () => [200, {}, 'Hello World']); this.get('/v1/client/fs/readat/:alloc_id', () => [200, {}, 'Hello World']); }); }); hooks.afterEach(function() { this.server.shutdown(); }); const commonTemplate = hbs` {{task-file allocation=allocation task=task file=file stat=stat}} `; const fileStat = (type, size = 0) => ({ stat: { Size: size, ContentType: type, }, }); const makeProps = (props = {}) => assign( {}, { allocation: { id: 'alloc-1', node: { httpAddr: HOST, }, }, task: { name: 'task-name', }, file: 'path/to/file', stat: { Size: 12345, ContentType: 'text/plain', }, }, props ); test('When a file is text-based, the file mode is streaming', async function(assert) { const props = makeProps(fileStat('text/plain', 500)); this.setProperties(props); await render(commonTemplate); assert.ok( find('[data-test-file-box] [data-test-log-cli]'), 'The streaming file component was rendered' ); assert.notOk( find('[data-test-file-box] [data-test-image-file]'), 'The image file component was not rendered' ); }); test('When a file is an image, the file mode is image', async function(assert) { const props = makeProps(fileStat('image/png', 1234)); this.setProperties(props); await render(commonTemplate); assert.ok( find('[data-test-file-box] [data-test-image-file]'), 'The image file component was rendered' ); assert.notOk( find('[data-test-file-box] [data-test-log-cli]'), 'The streaming file component was not rendered' ); }); test('When the file is neither text-based or an image, the unsupported file type empty state is shown', async function(assert) { const props = makeProps(fileStat('wat/ohno', 1234)); this.setProperties(props); await render(commonTemplate); assert.notOk( find('[data-test-file-box] [data-test-image-file]'), 'The image file component was not rendered' ); assert.notOk( find('[data-test-file-box] [data-test-log-cli]'), 'The streaming file component was not rendered' ); assert.ok(find('[data-test-unsupported-type]'), 'Unsupported file type message is shown'); }); test('The unsupported file type empty state includes a link to the raw file', async function(assert) { const props = makeProps(fileStat('wat/ohno', 1234)); this.setProperties(props); await render(commonTemplate); assert.ok( find('[data-test-unsupported-type] [data-test-log-action="raw"]'), 'Unsupported file type message includes a link to the raw file' ); assert.notOk( find('[data-test-header] [data-test-log-action="raw"]'), 'Raw link is no longer in the header' ); }); test('The view raw button goes to the correct API url', async function(assert) { const props = makeProps(fileStat('image/png', 1234)); this.setProperties(props); await render(commonTemplate); const rawLink = find('[data-test-log-action="raw"]'); assert.equal( rawLink.getAttribute('href'), `/v1/client/fs/cat/${}?path=${encodeURIComponent( `${}/${props.file}` )}`, 'Raw link href is correct' ); assert.equal(rawLink.getAttribute('target'), '_blank', 'Raw link opens in a new tab'); assert.equal( rawLink.getAttribute('rel'), 'noopener noreferrer', 'Raw link rel correctly bars openers and referrers' ); }); test('The head and tail buttons are not shown when the file is small', async function(assert) { const props = makeProps(fileStat('application/json', 5000)); this.setProperties(props); await render(commonTemplate); assert.notOk(find('[data-test-log-action="head"]'), 'No head button'); assert.notOk(find('[data-test-log-action="tail"]'), 'No tail button'); this.set('stat.Size', 100000); await settled(); assert.ok(find('[data-test-log-action="head"]'), 'Head button is shown'); assert.ok(find('[data-test-log-action="tail"]'), 'Tail button is shown'); }); test('The head and tail buttons are not shown for an image file', async function(assert) { const props = makeProps(fileStat('image/svg', 5000)); this.setProperties(props); await render(commonTemplate); assert.notOk(find('[data-test-log-action="head"]'), 'No head button'); assert.notOk(find('[data-test-log-action="tail"]'), 'No tail button'); this.set('stat.Size', 100000); await settled(); assert.notOk(find('[data-test-log-action="head"]'), 'Still no head button'); assert.notOk(find('[data-test-log-action="tail"]'), 'Still no tail button'); }); test('Yielded content goes in the top-left header area', async function(assert) { const props = makeProps(fileStat('image/svg', 5000)); this.setProperties(props); await render(hbs` {{#task-file allocation=allocation task=task file=file stat=stat}}