/* eslint-disable ember-a11y-testing/a11y-audit-called */ // Covered in behaviours/fs import { module, test } from 'qunit'; import { setupApplicationTest } from 'ember-qunit'; import setupMirage from 'ember-cli-mirage/test-support/setup-mirage'; import Response from 'ember-cli-mirage/response'; import browseFilesystem from './behaviors/fs'; import FS from 'nomad-ui/tests/pages/allocations/fs'; let allocation; let task; let files, taskDirectory, directory, nestedDirectory; module('Acceptance | task fs', function(hooks) { setupApplicationTest(hooks); setupMirage(hooks); hooks.beforeEach(async function() { server.create('agent'); server.create('node', 'forceIPv4'); const job = server.create('job', { createAllocations: false }); allocation = server.create('allocation', { jobId: job.id, clientStatus: 'running' }); task = server.schema.taskStates.where({ allocationId: allocation.id }).models[0]; task.name = 'task-name'; task.save(); this.task = task; this.allocation = allocation; // Reset files files = []; taskDirectory = server.create('allocFile', { isDir: true, name: task.name }); files.push(taskDirectory); // Nested files directory = server.create('allocFile', { isDir: true, name: 'directory', parent: taskDirectory }); files.push(directory); nestedDirectory = server.create('allocFile', { isDir: true, name: 'another', parent: directory }); files.push(nestedDirectory); files.push( server.create('allocFile', 'file', { name: 'something.txt', fileType: 'txt', parent: nestedDirectory, }) ); files.push(server.create('allocFile', { isDir: true, name: 'empty-directory', parent: taskDirectory })); files.push(server.create('allocFile', 'file', { fileType: 'txt', parent: taskDirectory })); files.push(server.create('allocFile', 'file', { fileType: 'txt', parent: taskDirectory })); this.files = files; this.directory = directory; this.nestedDirectory = nestedDirectory; }); test('when the task is not running, an empty state is shown', async function(assert) { // The API 500s on stat when not running this.server.get('/client/fs/stat/:allocation_id', () => { return new Response(500, {}, 'no such file or directory'); }); task.update({ finishedAt: new Date(), }); await FS.visitTask({ id: allocation.id, name: task.name }); assert.ok(FS.hasEmptyState, 'Non-running task has no files'); assert.ok( FS.emptyState.headline.includes('Task is not Running'), 'Empty state explains the condition' ); }); browseFilesystem({ visitSegments: ({allocation,task}) => ({ id: allocation.id, name: task.name }), getExpectedPathBase: ({allocation,task}) => `/allocations/${allocation.id}/${task.name}/fs/`, getTitleComponent: ({task}) => `Task ${task.name} filesystem`, getBreadcrumbComponent: ({task}) => task.name, getFilesystemRoot: ({ task }) => task.name, pageObjectVisitFunctionName: 'visitTask', pageObjectVisitPathFunctionName: 'visitTaskPath', }); });