import { findAll, find, click, focus, render, triggerKeyEvent } from '@ember/test-helpers'; import { module, test } from 'qunit'; import { setupRenderingTest } from 'ember-qunit'; import sinon from 'sinon'; import hbs from 'htmlbars-inline-precompile'; import { componentA11yAudit } from 'nomad-ui/tests/helpers/a11y-audit'; const TAB = 9; const ESC = 27; const SPACE = 32; const ARROW_UP = 38; const ARROW_DOWN = 40; module('Integration | Component | multi-select dropdown', function(hooks) { setupRenderingTest(hooks); const commonProperties = () => ({ label: 'This is the dropdown label', selection: [], options: [ { key: 'consul', label: 'Consul' }, { key: 'nomad', label: 'Nomad' }, { key: 'terraform', label: 'Terraform' }, { key: 'packer', label: 'Packer' }, { key: 'vagrant', label: 'Vagrant' }, { key: 'vault', label: 'Vault' }, ], onSelect: sinon.spy(), }); const commonTemplate = hbs` `; test('component is initially closed', async function(assert) { const props = commonProperties(); this.setProperties(props); await render(commonTemplate); assert.ok(find('.dropdown-trigger'), 'Trigger is shown'); assert.equal( find('[data-test-dropdown-trigger]').textContent.trim(), props.label, 'Trigger is appropriately labeled' ); assert.notOk(find('[data-test-dropdown-options]'), 'Options are not rendered'); await componentA11yAudit(this.element, assert); }); test('component opens the options dropdown when clicked', async function(assert) { const props = commonProperties(); this.setProperties(props); await render(commonTemplate); await click('[data-test-dropdown-trigger]'); await assert.ok(find('[data-test-dropdown-options]'), 'Options are shown now'); await componentA11yAudit(this.element, assert); await click('[data-test-dropdown-trigger]'); assert.notOk(find('[data-test-dropdown-options]'), 'Options are hidden after clicking again'); }); test('all options are shown in the options dropdown, each with a checkbox input', async function(assert) { const props = commonProperties(); this.setProperties(props); await render(commonTemplate); await click('[data-test-dropdown-trigger]'); assert.equal( findAll('[data-test-dropdown-option]').length, props.options.length, 'All options are shown' ); findAll('[data-test-dropdown-option]').forEach((optionEl, index) => { const label = props.options[index].label; assert.equal(optionEl.textContent.trim(), label, `Correct label for ${label}`); assert.ok(optionEl.querySelector('input[type="checkbox"]'), 'Option contains a checkbox'); }); }); test('onSelect gets called when an option is clicked', async function(assert) { const props = commonProperties(); this.setProperties(props); await render(commonTemplate); await click('[data-test-dropdown-trigger]'); await click('[data-test-dropdown-option] label'); assert.ok(props.onSelect.called, 'onSelect was called'); const newSelection = props.onSelect.getCall(0).args[0]; assert.deepEqual( newSelection, [props.options[0].key], 'onSelect was called with the first option key' ); }); test('the component trigger shows the selection count when there is a selection', async function(assert) { const props = commonProperties(); props.selection = [props.options[0].key, props.options[1].key]; this.setProperties(props); await render(commonTemplate); assert.ok( find('[data-test-dropdown-trigger] [data-test-dropdown-count]'), 'The count is shown' ); assert.equal( find('[data-test-dropdown-trigger] [data-test-dropdown-count]').textContent, props.selection.length, 'The count is accurate' ); await componentA11yAudit(this.element, assert); await this.set('selection', []); assert.notOk( find('[data-test-dropdown-trigger] [data-test-dropdown-count]'), 'The count is no longer shown when the selection is empty' ); }); test('pressing DOWN when the trigger has focus opens the options list', async function(assert) { const props = commonProperties(); this.setProperties(props); await render(commonTemplate); await focus('[data-test-dropdown-trigger]'); assert.notOk(find('[data-test-dropdown-options]'), 'Options are not shown on focus'); await triggerKeyEvent('[data-test-dropdown-trigger]', 'keydown', ARROW_DOWN); assert.ok(find('[data-test-dropdown-options]'), 'Options are now shown'); assert.equal( document.activeElement, find('[data-test-dropdown-trigger]'), 'The dropdown trigger maintains focus' ); }); test('pressing DOWN when the trigger has focus and the options list is open focuses the first option', async function(assert) { const props = commonProperties(); this.setProperties(props); await render(commonTemplate); await focus('[data-test-dropdown-trigger]'); await triggerKeyEvent('[data-test-dropdown-trigger]', 'keydown', ARROW_DOWN); await triggerKeyEvent('[data-test-dropdown-trigger]', 'keydown', ARROW_DOWN); assert.equal( document.activeElement, find('[data-test-dropdown-option]'), 'The first option now has focus' ); }); test('pressing TAB when the trigger has focus and the options list is open focuses the first option', async function(assert) { const props = commonProperties(); this.setProperties(props); await render(commonTemplate); await focus('[data-test-dropdown-trigger]'); await triggerKeyEvent('[data-test-dropdown-trigger]', 'keydown', ARROW_DOWN); await triggerKeyEvent('[data-test-dropdown-trigger]', 'keydown', TAB); assert.equal( document.activeElement, find('[data-test-dropdown-option]'), 'The first option now has focus' ); }); test('pressing UP when the first list option is focused does nothing', async function(assert) { const props = commonProperties(); this.setProperties(props); await render(commonTemplate); await click('[data-test-dropdown-trigger]'); await focus('[data-test-dropdown-option]'); await triggerKeyEvent('[data-test-dropdown-option]', 'keydown', ARROW_UP); assert.equal( document.activeElement, find('[data-test-dropdown-option]'), 'The first option maintains focus' ); }); test('pressing DOWN when the a list option is focused moves focus to the next list option', async function(assert) { const props = commonProperties(); this.setProperties(props); await render(commonTemplate); await click('[data-test-dropdown-trigger]'); await focus('[data-test-dropdown-option]'); await triggerKeyEvent('[data-test-dropdown-option]', 'keydown', ARROW_DOWN); assert.equal( document.activeElement, findAll('[data-test-dropdown-option]')[1], 'The second option has focus' ); }); test('pressing DOWN when the last list option has focus does nothing', async function(assert) { const props = commonProperties(); this.setProperties(props); await render(commonTemplate); await click('[data-test-dropdown-trigger]'); await focus('[data-test-dropdown-option]'); const optionEls = findAll('[data-test-dropdown-option]'); const lastIndex = optionEls.length - 1; for (const [index, option] of optionEls.entries()) { await triggerKeyEvent(option, 'keydown', ARROW_DOWN); if (index < lastIndex) { assert.equal(document.activeElement, optionEls[index + 1], `Option ${index + 1} has focus`); } } await triggerKeyEvent(optionEls[lastIndex], 'keydown', ARROW_DOWN); assert.equal( document.activeElement, optionEls[lastIndex], `Option ${lastIndex} still has focus` ); }); test('onSelect gets called when pressing SPACE when a list option is focused', async function(assert) { const props = commonProperties(); this.setProperties(props); await render(commonTemplate); await click('[data-test-dropdown-trigger]'); await focus('[data-test-dropdown-option]'); await triggerKeyEvent('[data-test-dropdown-option]', 'keydown', SPACE); assert.ok(props.onSelect.called, 'onSelect was called'); const newSelection = props.onSelect.getCall(0).args[0]; assert.deepEqual( newSelection, [props.options[0].key], 'onSelect was called with the first option key' ); }); test('list options have a zero tabindex and are therefore sequentially navigable', async function(assert) { const props = commonProperties(); this.setProperties(props); await render(commonTemplate); await click('[data-test-dropdown-trigger]'); findAll('[data-test-dropdown-option]').forEach(option => { assert.equal(parseInt(option.getAttribute('tabindex'), 10), 0, 'tabindex is zero'); }); }); test('the checkboxes inside list options have a negative tabindex and are therefore not sequentially navigable', async function(assert) { const props = commonProperties(); this.setProperties(props); await render(commonTemplate); await click('[data-test-dropdown-trigger]'); findAll('[data-test-dropdown-option]').forEach(option => { assert.ok( parseInt(option.querySelector('input[type="checkbox"]').getAttribute('tabindex'), 10) < 0, 'tabindex is a negative value' ); }); }); test('pressing ESC when the options list is open closes the list and returns focus to the dropdown trigger', async function(assert) { const props = commonProperties(); this.setProperties(props); await render(commonTemplate); await focus('[data-test-dropdown-trigger]'); await triggerKeyEvent('[data-test-dropdown-trigger]', 'keydown', ARROW_DOWN); await triggerKeyEvent('[data-test-dropdown-trigger]', 'keydown', ARROW_DOWN); await triggerKeyEvent('[data-test-dropdown-option]', 'keydown', ESC); assert.notOk(find('[data-test-dropdown-options]'), 'The options list is hidden once more'); assert.equal( document.activeElement, find('[data-test-dropdown-trigger]'), 'The trigger has focus' ); }); test('when there are no list options, an empty message is shown', async function(assert) { const props = commonProperties(); props.options = []; this.setProperties(props); await render(commonTemplate); await click('[data-test-dropdown-trigger]'); assert.ok(find('[data-test-dropdown-options]'), 'The dropdown is still shown'); assert.ok(find('[data-test-dropdown-empty]'), 'The empty state is shown'); assert.notOk(find('[data-test-dropdown-option]'), 'No options are shown'); await componentA11yAudit(this.element, assert); }); });