import { getOwner } from '@ember/application'; import { moduleForModel } from 'ember-qunit'; import { initialize as fragmentSerializerInitializer } from 'nomad-ui/initializers/fragment-serializer'; export default function(modelName, description, options = { needs: [] }) { // moduleForModel correctly wires up, // but module does not. moduleForModel(modelName, description, { unit: true, needs: options.needs, beforeEach() { const model = this.subject(); // Initializers don't run automatically in unit tests fragmentSerializerInitializer(getOwner(model)); // Reassign the subject to provide the serializer this.subject = () =>; if (options.beforeEach) { options.beforeEach.apply(this, arguments); } }, afterEach() { if (options.beforeEach) { options.beforeEach.apply(this, arguments); } }, }); }