import Ember from 'ember'; import { click, findAll, currentURL, find, visit } from 'ember-native-dom-helpers'; import { test } from 'qunit'; import moduleForAcceptance from 'nomad-ui/tests/helpers/module-for-acceptance'; import moment from 'moment'; import ipParts from 'nomad-ui/utils/ip-parts'; const { $ } = Ember; let allocation; let task; moduleForAcceptance('Acceptance | task detail', { beforeEach() { server.create('agent'); server.create('node'); server.create('job', { createAllocations: false }); allocation = server.create('allocation', 'withTaskWithPorts', { useMessagePassthru: true, }); task = server.db.taskStates.where({ allocationId: })[0]; visit(`/allocations/${}/${}`); }, }); test('/allocation/:id/:task_name should name the task and list high-level task information', function( assert ) { assert.ok(find('.title').textContent.includes(, 'Task name'); assert.ok(find('.title').textContent.includes(task.state), 'Task state'); const inlineDefinitions = findAll('.inline-definitions .pair'); assert.ok( inlineDefinitions[0].textContent.includes(moment(task.startedAt).format('MM/DD/YY HH:mm:ss')), 'Task started at' ); }); test('breadcrumbs includes allocations and link to the allocation detail page', function(assert) { const breadcrumbs = findAll('.breadcrumb'); assert.equal( breadcrumbs[0].textContent.trim(), 'Allocations', 'Allocations is the first breadcrumb' ); assert.notEqual( breadcrumbs[0].tagName.toLowerCase(), 'a', 'Allocations breadcrumb is not a link' ); assert.equal( breadcrumbs[1].textContent.trim(),'-')[0], 'Allocation short id is the second breadcrumb' ); assert.equal(breadcrumbs[2].textContent.trim(),, 'Task name is the third breadcrumb'); click(breadcrumbs[1]); andThen(() => { assert.equal( currentURL(), `/allocations/${}`, 'Second breadcrumb links back to the allocation detail' ); }); }); test('the addresses table lists all reserved and dynamic ports', function(assert) { const taskResources = allocation.taskResourcesIds .map(id => server.db.taskResources.find(id)) .sortBy('name')[0]; const reservedPorts = taskResources.resources.Networks[0].ReservedPorts; const dynamicPorts = taskResources.resources.Networks[0].DynamicPorts; const addresses = reservedPorts.concat(dynamicPorts); assert.equal( findAll('.addresses-list tbody tr').length, addresses.length, 'All addresses are listed' ); }); test('each address row shows the label and value of the address', function(assert) { const node = server.db.nodes.find(allocation.nodeId); const taskResources = allocation.taskResourcesIds .map(id => server.db.taskResources.find(id)) .findBy('name',; const reservedPorts = taskResources.resources.Networks[0].ReservedPorts; const dynamicPorts = taskResources.resources.Networks[0].DynamicPorts; const address = reservedPorts.concat(dynamicPorts).sortBy('Label')[0]; const addressRow = $(find('.addresses-list tbody tr')); assert.equal( addressRow .find('td:eq(0)') .text() .trim(), reservedPorts.includes(address) ? 'No' : 'Yes', 'Dynamic port is denoted as such' ); assert.equal( addressRow .find('td:eq(1)') .text() .trim(), address.Label, 'Label' ); assert.equal( addressRow .find('td:eq(2)') .text() .trim(), `${ipParts(node.httpAddr).address}:${address.Value}`, 'Value' ); }); test('the events table lists all recent events', function(assert) { const events = server.db.taskEvents.where({ taskStateId: }); assert.equal( findAll('.task-events tbody tr').length, events.length, `Lists ${events.length} events` ); }); test('each recent event should list the time, type, and description of the event', function( assert ) { const event = server.db.taskEvents.where({ taskStateId: })[0]; const recentEvent = $('.task-events tbody tr:last'); assert.equal( recentEvent .find('td:eq(0)') .text() .trim(), moment(event.time / 1000000).format('MM/DD/YY HH:mm:ss'), 'Event timestamp' ); assert.equal( recentEvent .find('td:eq(1)') .text() .trim(), event.type, 'Event type' ); assert.equal( recentEvent .find('td:eq(2)') .text() .trim(), event.message, 'Event message' ); }); test('when the allocation is not found, the application errors', function(assert) { visit(`/allocations/not-a-real-allocation/${}`); andThen(() => { assert.equal( server.pretender.handledRequests.findBy('status', 404).url, '/v1/allocation/not-a-real-allocation', 'A request to the non-existent allocation is made' ); assert.equal( currentURL(), `/allocations/not-a-real-allocation/${}`, 'The URL persists' ); assert.ok(find('.error-message'), 'Error message is shown'); assert.equal( find('.error-message .title').textContent, 'Not Found', 'Error message is for 404' ); }); }); test('when the allocation is found but the task is not, the application errors', function(assert) { visit(`/allocations/${}/not-a-real-task-name`); andThen(() => { assert.equal( server.pretender.handledRequests.findBy('status', 200).url, `/v1/allocation/${}`, 'A request to the allocation is made successfully' ); assert.equal( currentURL(), `/allocations/${}/not-a-real-task-name`, 'The URL persists' ); assert.ok(find('.error-message'), 'Error message is shown'); assert.equal( find('.error-message .title').textContent, 'Not Found', 'Error message is for 404' ); }); }); moduleForAcceptance('Acceptance | task detail (no addresses)', { beforeEach() { server.create('agent'); server.create('node'); server.create('job'); allocation = server.create('allocation', 'withoutTaskWithPorts'); task = server.db.taskStates.where({ allocationId: })[0]; visit(`/allocations/${}/${}`); }, }); test('when the task has no addresses, the addresses table is not shown', function(assert) { assert.notOk(find('.addresses-list'), 'No addresses table'); });