import Service, { inject as service } from '@ember/service'; import { computed } from '@ember/object'; import { alias, reads } from '@ember/object/computed'; import { getOwner } from '@ember/application'; import { assign } from '@ember/polyfills'; import { task, timeout } from 'ember-concurrency'; import queryString from 'query-string'; import fetch from 'nomad-ui/utils/fetch'; import classic from 'ember-classic-decorator'; import moment from 'moment'; const MINUTES_LEFT_AT_WARNING = 10; const EXPIRY_NOTIFICATION_TITLE = 'Your access is about to expire'; @classic export default class TokenService extends Service { @service store; @service system; @service router; @service flashMessages; aclEnabled = true; tokenNotFound = false; @computed get secret() { return window.localStorage.nomadTokenSecret; } set secret(value) { if (value == null) { window.localStorage.removeItem('nomadTokenSecret'); } else { window.localStorage.nomadTokenSecret = value; } } @task(function* () { const TokenAdapter = getOwner(this).lookup('adapter:token'); try { var token = yield TokenAdapter.findSelf(); this.secret = token.secret; return token; } catch (e) { const errors = e.errors ? e.errors.mapBy('detail') : []; if (errors.find((error) => error === 'ACL support disabled')) { this.set('aclEnabled', false); } if (errors.find((error) => error === 'ACL token not found')) { this.set('tokenNotFound', true); } return null; } }) fetchSelfToken; @reads('fetchSelfToken.lastSuccessful.value') selfToken; async exchangeOneTimeToken(oneTimeToken) { const TokenAdapter = getOwner(this).lookup('adapter:token'); const token = await TokenAdapter.exchangeOneTimeToken(oneTimeToken); this.secret = token.secret; } @task(function* () { try { if (this.selfToken) { return yield this.selfToken.get('policies'); } else { let policy = yield'policy', 'anonymous'); return [policy]; } } catch (e) { return []; } }) fetchSelfTokenPolicies; @alias('fetchSelfTokenPolicies.lastSuccessful.value') selfTokenPolicies; @task(function* () { yield this.fetchSelfToken.perform(); this.kickoffTokenTTLMonitoring(); if (this.aclEnabled) { yield this.fetchSelfTokenPolicies.perform(); } }) fetchSelfTokenAndPolicies; // All non Ember Data requests should go through authorizedRequest. // However, the request that gets regions falls into that category. // This authorizedRawRequest is necessary in order to fetch data // with the guarantee of a token but without the automatic region // param since the region cannot be known at this point. authorizedRawRequest(url, options = {}) { const credentials = 'include'; const headers = {}; const token = this.secret; if (token) { headers['X-Nomad-Token'] = token; } return fetch(url, assign(options, { headers, credentials })); } authorizedRequest(url, options) { if (this.get('system.shouldIncludeRegion')) { const region = this.get('system.activeRegion'); if (region && url.indexOf('region=') === -1) { url = addParams(url, { region }); } } return this.authorizedRawRequest(url, options); } reset() { this.fetchSelfToken.cancelAll({ resetState: true }); this.fetchSelfTokenPolicies.cancelAll({ resetState: true }); this.fetchSelfTokenAndPolicies.cancelAll({ resetState: true }); this.monitorTokenTime.cancelAll({ resetState: true }); window.localStorage.removeItem('nomadOIDCNonce'); window.localStorage.removeItem('nomadOIDCAuthMethod'); } kickoffTokenTTLMonitoring() { this.monitorTokenTime.perform(); } @task(function* () { while (this.selfToken?.expirationTime) { const diff = new Date(this.selfToken.expirationTime) - new Date(); // Let the user know at the 10 minute mark, // or any time they refresh with under 10 minutes left if (diff < 1000 * 60 * MINUTES_LEFT_AT_WARNING) { const existingNotification = this.flashMessages.queue?.find( (m) => m.title === EXPIRY_NOTIFICATION_TITLE ); // For the sake of updating the "time left" message, we keep running the task down to the moment of expiration if (diff > 0) { if (existingNotification) { existingNotification.set( 'message', `Your token access expires ${moment( this.selfToken.expirationTime ).fromNow()}` ); } else { if (!this.expirationNotificationDismissed) { this.flashMessages.add({ title: EXPIRY_NOTIFICATION_TITLE, message: `Your token access expires ${moment( this.selfToken.expirationTime ).fromNow()}`, type: 'error', destroyOnClick: false, sticky: true, customCloseAction: () => { this.set('expirationNotificationDismissed', true); }, customAction: { label: 'Re-authenticate', action: () => { this.router.transitionTo('settings.tokens'); }, }, }); } } } else { if (existingNotification) { existingNotification.setProperties({ title: 'Your access has expired', message: `Your token will need to be re-authenticated`, }); } this.monitorTokenTime.cancelAll(); // Stop updating time left after expiration } } yield timeout(1000); } }) monitorTokenTime; } function addParams(url, params) { const paramsStr = queryString.stringify(params); const delimiter = url.includes('?') ? '&' : '?'; return `${url}${delimiter}${paramsStr}`; }