/** * Copyright (c) HashiCorp, Inc. * SPDX-License-Identifier: MPL-2.0 */ /* eslint-disable qunit/require-expect */ import { currentURL } from '@ember/test-helpers'; import { module, test } from 'qunit'; import { setupApplicationTest } from 'ember-qunit'; import { setupMirage } from 'ember-cli-mirage/test-support'; import a11yAudit from 'nomad-ui/tests/helpers/a11y-audit'; import pageSizeSelect from './behaviors/page-size-select'; import PluginsList from 'nomad-ui/tests/pages/storage/plugins/list'; module('Acceptance | plugins list', function (hooks) { setupApplicationTest(hooks); setupMirage(hooks); hooks.beforeEach(function () { server.create('node'); window.localStorage.clear(); }); test('it passes an accessibility audit', async function (assert) { await PluginsList.visit(); await a11yAudit(assert); }); test('visiting /csi/plugins', async function (assert) { await PluginsList.visit(); assert.equal(currentURL(), '/csi/plugins'); assert.equal(document.title, 'CSI Plugins - Nomad'); }); test('/csi/plugins should list the first page of plugins sorted by id', async function (assert) { const pluginCount = PluginsList.pageSize + 1; server.createList('csi-plugin', pluginCount, { shallow: true }); await PluginsList.visit(); const sortedPlugins = server.db.csiPlugins.sortBy('id'); assert.equal(PluginsList.plugins.length, PluginsList.pageSize); PluginsList.plugins.forEach((plugin, index) => { assert.equal(plugin.id, sortedPlugins[index].id, 'Plugins are ordered'); }); }); test('each plugin row should contain information about the plugin', async function (assert) { const plugin = server.create('csi-plugin', { shallow: true, controllerRequired: true, }); await PluginsList.visit(); const pluginRow = PluginsList.plugins.objectAt(0); const controllerHealthStr = plugin.controllersHealthy > 0 ? 'Healthy' : 'Unhealthy'; const nodeHealthStr = plugin.nodesHealthy > 0 ? 'Healthy' : 'Unhealthy'; assert.equal(pluginRow.id, plugin.id); assert.equal( pluginRow.controllerHealth, `${controllerHealthStr} (${plugin.controllersHealthy}/${plugin.controllersExpected})` ); assert.equal( pluginRow.nodeHealth, `${nodeHealthStr} (${plugin.nodesHealthy}/${plugin.nodesExpected})` ); assert.equal(pluginRow.provider, plugin.provider); }); test('node only plugins explain that there is no controller health for this plugin type', async function (assert) { const plugin = server.create('csi-plugin', { shallow: true, controllerRequired: false, }); await PluginsList.visit(); const pluginRow = PluginsList.plugins.objectAt(0); const nodeHealthStr = plugin.nodesHealthy > 0 ? 'Healthy' : 'Unhealthy'; assert.equal(pluginRow.id, plugin.id); assert.equal(pluginRow.controllerHealth, 'Node Only'); assert.equal( pluginRow.nodeHealth, `${nodeHealthStr} (${plugin.nodesHealthy}/${plugin.nodesExpected})` ); assert.equal(pluginRow.provider, plugin.provider); }); test('each plugin row should link to the corresponding plugin', async function (assert) { const plugin = server.create('csi-plugin', { shallow: true }); await PluginsList.visit(); await PluginsList.plugins.objectAt(0).clickName(); assert.equal(currentURL(), `/csi/plugins/${plugin.id}`); await PluginsList.visit(); assert.equal(currentURL(), '/csi/plugins'); await PluginsList.plugins.objectAt(0).clickRow(); assert.equal(currentURL(), `/csi/plugins/${plugin.id}`); }); test('when there are no plugins, there is an empty message', async function (assert) { await PluginsList.visit(); assert.ok(PluginsList.isEmpty); assert.equal(PluginsList.emptyState.headline, 'No Plugins'); }); test('when there are plugins, but no matches for a search, there is an empty message', async function (assert) { server.create('csi-plugin', { id: 'cat 1', shallow: true }); server.create('csi-plugin', { id: 'cat 2', shallow: true }); await PluginsList.visit(); await PluginsList.search('dog'); assert.ok(PluginsList.isEmpty); assert.equal(PluginsList.emptyState.headline, 'No Matches'); }); test('search resets the current page', async function (assert) { server.createList('csi-plugin', PluginsList.pageSize + 1, { shallow: true, }); await PluginsList.visit(); await PluginsList.nextPage(); assert.equal(currentURL(), '/csi/plugins?page=2'); await PluginsList.search('foobar'); assert.equal(currentURL(), '/csi/plugins?search=foobar'); }); test('when accessing plugins is forbidden, a message is shown with a link to the tokens page', async function (assert) { server.pretender.get('/v1/plugins', () => [403, {}, null]); await PluginsList.visit(); assert.equal(PluginsList.error.title, 'Not Authorized'); await PluginsList.error.seekHelp(); assert.equal(currentURL(), '/settings/tokens'); }); pageSizeSelect({ resourceName: 'plugin', pageObject: PluginsList, pageObjectList: PluginsList.plugins, async setup() { server.createList('csi-plugin', PluginsList.pageSize, { shallow: true }); await PluginsList.visit(); }, }); });