import { inject as service } from '@ember/service'; import { reads } from '@ember/object/computed'; import Controller from '@ember/controller'; import { getOwner } from '@ember/application'; export default Controller.extend({ token: service(), system: service(), store: service(), secret: reads('token.secret'), tokenIsValid: false, tokenIsInvalid: false, tokenRecord: null, resetStore() {; }, actions: { clearTokenProperties() { this.token.setProperties({ secret: undefined, }); this.setProperties({ tokenIsValid: false, tokenIsInvalid: false, tokenRecord: null, }); this.resetStore(); }, verifyToken() { const { secret } = this; const TokenAdapter = getOwner(this).lookup('adapter:token'); this.set('token.secret', secret); TokenAdapter.findSelf().then( () => { // Clear out all data to ensure only data the new token is privileged to // see is shown this.system.reset(); this.resetStore(); // Refetch the token and associated policies this.get('token.fetchSelfTokenAndPolicies') .perform() .catch(); this.setProperties({ tokenIsValid: true, tokenIsInvalid: false, tokenRecord: this.token.selfToken, }); }, () => { this.set('token.secret', undefined); this.setProperties({ tokenIsValid: false, tokenIsInvalid: true, tokenRecord: null, }); } ); }, }, });