import hbs from 'htmlbars-inline-precompile'; export default { title: 'Components/Inline Definitions', }; export let Standard = () => { return { template: hbs`
Inline definitions
Some Label Term Name Term Value Running? Yes Last Updated {{format-ts (now)}}

A way to tightly display key/value information. Typically seen at the top of pages.

`, }; }; export let Variants = () => { return { template: hbs`
Inline definitions variants
Success Label Term Name Term Value Last Updated {{format-ts (now)}}
Warning Label Term Name Term Value Last Updated {{format-ts (now)}}
Danger Label Term Name Term Value Last Updated {{format-ts (now)}}
Info Label Term Name Term Value Last Updated {{format-ts (now)}}

Inline definitions are meant to pair well with emotive color variations.

`, }; };