import { run } from '@ember/runloop'; import { settled } from '@ember/test-helpers'; import { setupTest } from 'ember-qunit'; import { module, test } from 'qunit'; import { startMirage } from 'nomad-ui/initializers/ember-cli-mirage'; import { AbortController } from 'fetch'; module('Unit | Adapter | Volume', function(hooks) { setupTest(hooks); hooks.beforeEach(async function() { = this.owner.lookup('service:store'); this.subject = () =>'volume'); window.sessionStorage.clear(); window.localStorage.clear(); this.server = startMirage(); this.initializeUI = async () => { this.server.create('namespace'); this.server.create('namespace', { id: 'some-namespace' }); this.server.create('node'); this.server.create('job', { id: 'job-1', namespaceId: 'default' }); this.server.create('csi-plugin', 2); this.server.create('csi-volume', { id: 'volume-1', namespaceId: 'some-namespace' }); this.server.create('region', { id: 'region-1' }); this.server.create('region', { id: 'region-2' }); this.system = this.owner.lookup('service:system'); // Namespace, default region, and all regions are requests that all // job requests depend on. Fetching them ahead of time means testing // job adapter behavior in isolation. await this.system.get('namespaces'); this.system.get('shouldIncludeRegion'); await this.system.get('defaultRegion'); // Reset the handledRequests array to avoid accounting for this // namespaces request everywhere. this.server.pretender.handledRequests.length = 0; }; }); hooks.afterEach(function() { this.server.shutdown(); }); test('The volume endpoint can be queried by type', async function(assert) { const { pretender } = this.server; await this.initializeUI(); this.subject().query(, { modelName: 'volume' }, { type: 'csi' }, null, {}); await settled(); assert.deepEqual(pretender.handledRequests.mapBy('url'), ['/v1/volumes?type=csi']); }); test('When the volume has a namespace other than default, it is in the URL', async function(assert) { const { pretender } = this.server; const volumeName = 'csi/volume-1'; const volumeNamespace = 'some-namespace'; const volumeId = JSON.stringify([volumeName, volumeNamespace]); await this.initializeUI(); this.subject().findRecord(, { modelName: 'volume' }, volumeId); await settled(); assert.deepEqual(pretender.handledRequests.mapBy('url'), [ `/v1/volume/${encodeURIComponent(volumeName)}?namespace=${volumeNamespace}`, ]); }); test('query can be watched', async function(assert) { await this.initializeUI(); const { pretender } = this.server; const request = () => this.subject().query(, { modelName: 'volume' }, { type: 'csi' }, null, { reload: true, adapterOptions: { watch: true }, }); request(); assert.equal(pretender.handledRequests[0].url, '/v1/volumes?type=csi&index=1'); await settled(); request(); assert.equal(pretender.handledRequests[1].url, '/v1/volumes?type=csi&index=2'); await settled(); }); test('query can be canceled', async function(assert) { await this.initializeUI(); const { pretender } = this.server; const controller = new AbortController(); pretender.get('/v1/volumes', () => [200, {}, '[]'], true); this.subject() .query(, { modelName: 'volume' }, { type: 'csi' }, null, { reload: true, adapterOptions: { watch: true, abortController: controller }, }) .catch(() => {}); const { request: xhr } = pretender.requestReferences[0]; assert.equal(xhr.status, 0, 'Request is still pending'); // Schedule the cancelation before waiting => { controller.abort(); }); await settled(); assert.ok(xhr.aborted, 'Request was aborted'); }); test('query and findAll have distinct watchList entries', async function(assert) { await this.initializeUI(); const { pretender } = this.server; const request = () => this.subject().query(, { modelName: 'volume' }, { type: 'csi' }, null, { reload: true, adapterOptions: { watch: true }, }); const findAllRequest = () => this.subject().findAll(null, { modelName: 'volume' }, null, { reload: true, adapterOptions: { watch: true }, }); request(); assert.equal(pretender.handledRequests[0].url, '/v1/volumes?type=csi&index=1'); await settled(); request(); assert.equal(pretender.handledRequests[1].url, '/v1/volumes?type=csi&index=2'); await settled(); findAllRequest(); assert.equal(pretender.handledRequests[2].url, '/v1/volumes?index=1'); }); });