import { get } from '@ember/object'; import $ from 'jquery'; import { click, findAll, currentURL, find, visit } from 'ember-native-dom-helpers'; import moment from 'moment'; import { test } from 'qunit'; import moduleForAcceptance from 'nomad-ui/tests/helpers/module-for-acceptance'; const sum = (list, key) => list.reduce((sum, item) => sum + get(item, key), 0); let job; moduleForAcceptance('Acceptance | job detail', { beforeEach() { server.create('node'); job = server.create('job', { type: 'service' }); visit(`/jobs/${}`); }, }); test('visiting /jobs/:job_id', function(assert) { assert.equal(currentURL(), `/jobs/${}`); }); test('breadcrumbs includes job name and link back to the jobs list', function(assert) { assert.equal(findAll('.breadcrumb a')[0].textContent, 'Jobs', 'First breadcrumb says jobs'); assert.equal( findAll('.breadcrumb a')[1].textContent,, 'Second breadcrumb says the job name' ); click(findAll('.breadcrumb a')[0]); andThen(() => { assert.equal(currentURL(), '/jobs', 'First breadcrumb links back to jobs'); }); }); test('the subnav includes links to definition, versions, and deployments when type = service', function( assert ) { const subnavLabels = findAll(' a').map(anchor => anchor.textContent); assert.ok(subnavLabels.some(label => label === 'Definition'), 'Definition link'); assert.ok(subnavLabels.some(label => label === 'Versions'), 'Versions link'); assert.ok(subnavLabels.some(label => label === 'Deployments'), 'Deployments link'); }); test('the subnav includes links to definition and versions when type != service', function(assert) { job = server.create('job', { type: 'batch' }); visit(`/jobs/${}`); andThen(() => { const subnavLabels = findAll(' a').map(anchor => anchor.textContent); assert.ok(subnavLabels.some(label => label === 'Definition'), 'Definition link'); assert.ok(subnavLabels.some(label => label === 'Versions'), 'Versions link'); assert.notOk(subnavLabels.some(label => label === 'Deployments'), 'Deployments link'); }); }); test('the job detail page should contain basic information about the job', function(assert) { assert.ok(findAll('.title .tag')[0].textContent.includes(job.status), 'Status'); assert.ok(findAll('.job-stats span')[0].textContent.includes(job.type), 'Type'); assert.ok(findAll('.job-stats span')[1].textContent.includes(job.priority), 'Priority'); assert.notOk(findAll('.job-stats span')[2], 'Namespace is not included'); }); test('the job detail page should list all task groups', function(assert) { assert.equal( findAll('.task-group-row').length, server.db.taskGroups.where({ jobId: }).length ); }); test('each row in the task group table should show basic information about the task group', function( assert ) { const taskGroup = => server.db.taskGroups.find(id)).sortBy('name')[0]; const taskGroupRow = $(findAll('.task-group-row')[0]); const tasks = server.db.tasks.where({ taskGroupId: }); const sum = (list, key) => list.reduce((sum, item) => sum + get(item, key), 0); assert.equal( taskGroupRow .find('td:eq(0)') .text() .trim(),, 'Name' ); assert.equal( taskGroupRow .find('td:eq(1)') .text() .trim(), taskGroup.count, 'Count' ); assert.equal( taskGroupRow.find('td:eq(3)').text(), `${sum(tasks, 'Resources.CPU')} MHz`, 'Reserved CPU' ); assert.equal( taskGroupRow.find('td:eq(4)').text(), `${sum(tasks, 'Resources.MemoryMB')} MiB`, 'Reserved Memory' ); assert.equal( taskGroupRow.find('td:eq(5)').text(), `${taskGroup.ephemeralDisk.SizeMB} MiB`, 'Reserved Disk' ); }); test('the allocations diagram lists all allocation status figures', function(assert) { const legend = find('.distribution-bar .legend'); const jobSummary = server.db.jobSummaries.findBy({ jobId: }); const statusCounts = Object.keys(jobSummary.Summary).reduce( (counts, key) => { const group = jobSummary.Summary[key]; counts.queued += group.Queued; counts.starting += group.Starting; counts.running += group.Running; counts.complete += group.Complete; counts.failed += group.Failed; counts.lost += group.Lost; return counts; }, { queued: 0, starting: 0, running: 0, complete: 0, failed: 0, lost: 0 } ); assert.equal( legend.querySelector('li.queued .value').textContent, statusCounts.queued, `${statusCounts.queued} are queued` ); assert.equal( legend.querySelector('li.starting .value').textContent, statusCounts.starting, `${statusCounts.starting} are starting` ); assert.equal( legend.querySelector('li.running .value').textContent, statusCounts.running, `${statusCounts.running} are running` ); assert.equal( legend.querySelector('li.complete .value').textContent, statusCounts.complete, `${statusCounts.complete} are complete` ); assert.equal( legend.querySelector('li.failed .value').textContent, statusCounts.failed, `${statusCounts.failed} are failed` ); assert.equal( legend.querySelector('li.lost .value').textContent, statusCounts.lost, `${statusCounts.lost} are lost` ); }); test('there is no active deployment section when the job has no active deployment', function( assert ) { // TODO: it would be better to not visit two different job pages in one test, but this // way is much more convenient. job = server.create('job', { noActiveDeployment: true, type: 'service' }); visit(`/jobs/${}`); andThen(() => { assert.ok(findAll('.active-deployment').length === 0, 'No active deployment'); }); }); test('the active deployment section shows up for the currently running deployment', function( assert ) { job = server.create('job', { activeDeployment: true, type: 'service' }); const deployment = server.db.deployments.where({ jobId: })[0]; const taskGroupSummaries = server.db.deploymentTaskGroupSummaries.where({ deploymentId:, }); const version = server.db.jobVersions.findBy({ jobId:, version: deployment.versionNumber, }); visit(`/jobs/${}`); andThen(() => { assert.ok(findAll('.active-deployment').length === 1, 'Active deployment'); assert.equal( $('.active-deployment > .boxed-section-head .badge') .get(0) .textContent.trim(),'-')[0], 'The active deployment is the most recent running deployment' ); assert.equal( $('.active-deployment > .boxed-section-head .submit-time') .get(0) .textContent.trim(), moment(version.submitTime / 1000000).fromNow(), 'Time since the job was submitted is in the active deployment header' ); assert.equal( $('.deployment-metrics .label:contains("Canaries") + .value') .get(0) .textContent.trim(), `${sum(taskGroupSummaries, 'placedCanaries')} / ${sum( taskGroupSummaries, 'desiredCanaries' )}`, 'Canaries, both places and desired, are in the metrics' ); assert.equal( $('.deployment-metrics .label:contains("Placed") + .value') .get(0) .textContent.trim(), sum(taskGroupSummaries, 'placedAllocs'), 'Placed allocs aggregates across task groups' ); assert.equal( $('.deployment-metrics .label:contains("Desired") + .value') .get(0) .textContent.trim(), sum(taskGroupSummaries, 'desiredTotal'), 'Desired allocs aggregates across task groups' ); assert.equal( $('.deployment-metrics .label:contains("Healthy") + .value') .get(0) .textContent.trim(), sum(taskGroupSummaries, 'healthyAllocs'), 'Healthy allocs aggregates across task groups' ); assert.equal( $('.deployment-metrics .label:contains("Unhealthy") + .value') .get(0) .textContent.trim(), sum(taskGroupSummaries, 'unhealthyAllocs'), 'Unhealthy allocs aggregates across task groups' ); assert.equal( $('.deployment-metrics .notification') .get(0) .textContent.trim(), deployment.statusDescription, 'Status description is in the metrics block' ); }); }); test('the active deployment section can be expanded to show task groups and allocations', function( assert ) { job = server.create('job', { activeDeployment: true, type: 'service' }); visit(`/jobs/${}`); andThen(() => { assert.ok( $('.active-deployment .boxed-section-head:contains("Task Groups")').length === 0, 'Task groups not found' ); assert.ok( $('.active-deployment .boxed-section-head:contains("Allocations")').length === 0, 'Allocations not found' ); }); andThen(() => { click('.active-deployment-details-toggle'); }); andThen(() => { assert.ok( $('.active-deployment .boxed-section-head:contains("Task Groups")').length === 1, 'Task groups found' ); assert.ok( $('.active-deployment .boxed-section-head:contains("Allocations")').length === 1, 'Allocations found' ); }); }); test('the evaluations table lists evaluations sorted by modify index', function(assert) { job = server.create('job'); const evaluations = server.db.evaluations .where({ jobId: }) .sortBy('modifyIndex') .reverse(); visit(`/jobs/${}`); andThen(() => { assert.equal( findAll('.evaluations tbody tr').length, evaluations.length, 'A row for each evaluation' ); evaluations.forEach((evaluation, index) => { const row = $(findAll('.evaluations tbody tr')[index]); assert.equal( row.find('td:eq(0)').text(),'-')[0], `Short ID, row ${index}` ); }); const firstEvaluation = evaluations[0]; const row = $(findAll('.evaluations tbody tr')[0]); assert.equal(row.find('td:eq(1)').text(), '' + firstEvaluation.priority, 'Priority'); assert.equal(row.find('td:eq(2)').text(), firstEvaluation.triggeredBy, 'Triggered By'); assert.equal(row.find('td:eq(3)').text(), firstEvaluation.status, 'Status'); }); }); test('when the job has placement failures, they are called out', function(assert) { job = server.create('job', { failedPlacements: true }); const failedEvaluation = server.db.evaluations .where({ jobId: }) .filter(evaluation => evaluation.failedTGAllocs) .sortBy('modifyIndex') .reverse()[0]; const failedTaskGroupNames = Object.keys(failedEvaluation.failedTGAllocs); visit(`/jobs/${}`); andThen(() => { assert.ok(find('.placement-failures'), 'Placement failures section found'); const taskGroupLabels = findAll('.placement-failures h3.title').map(title => title.textContent.trim() ); failedTaskGroupNames.forEach(name => { assert.ok( taskGroupLabels.find(label => label.includes(name)), `${name} included in placement failures list` ); assert.ok( taskGroupLabels.find(label => label.includes(failedEvaluation.failedTGAllocs[name].CoalescedFailures + 1) ), 'The number of unplaced allocs = CoalescedFailures + 1' ); }); }); }); test('when the job has no placement failures, the placement failures section is gone', function( assert ) { job = server.create('job', { noFailedPlacements: true }); visit(`/jobs/${}`); andThen(() => { assert.notOk(find('.placement-failures'), 'Placement failures section not found'); }); }); test('when the job is not found, an error message is shown, but the URL persists', function( assert ) { visit('/jobs/not-a-real-job'); andThen(() => { assert.equal( server.pretender.handledRequests.findBy('status', 404).url, '/v1/job/not-a-real-job', 'A request to the non-existent job is made' ); assert.equal(currentURL(), '/jobs/not-a-real-job', 'The URL persists'); assert.ok(find('.error-message'), 'Error message is shown'); assert.equal( find('.error-message .title').textContent, 'Not Found', 'Error message is for 404' ); }); }); moduleForAcceptance('Acceptance | job detail (with namespaces)', { beforeEach() { server.createList('namespace', 2); server.create('node'); job = server.create('job', { namespaceId: server.db.namespaces[1].name }); server.createList('job', 3, { namespaceId: server.db.namespaces[0].name }); }, }); test('when there are namespaces, the job detail page states the namespace for the job', function( assert ) { const namespace = server.db.namespaces.find(job.namespaceId); visit(`/jobs/${}?namespace=${}`); andThen(() => { assert.ok( findAll('.job-stats span')[2].textContent.includes(, 'Namespace included in stats' ); }); }); test('when switching namespaces, the app redirects to /jobs with the new namespace', function( assert ) { const namespace = server.db.namespaces.find(job.namespaceId); const otherNamespace = server.db.namespaces.toArray().find(ns => ns !== namespace).name; const label = otherNamespace === 'default' ? 'Default Namespace' : otherNamespace; visit(`/jobs/${}?namespace=${}`); andThen(() => { selectChoose('.namespace-switcher', label); }); andThen(() => { assert.equal(currentURL().split('?')[0], '/jobs', 'Navigated to /jobs'); const jobs = .where({ namespace: otherNamespace }) .sortBy('modifyIndex') .reverse(); assert.equal(findAll('.job-row').length, jobs.length, 'Shows the right number of jobs'); jobs.forEach((job, index) => { assert.equal( $(findAll('.job-row')[index]) .find('td:eq(0)') .text() .trim(),, `Job ${index} is right` ); }); }); });