import { click, find, findAll, fillIn, currentURL, visit } from 'ember-native-dom-helpers'; import { test } from 'qunit'; import moduleForAcceptance from 'nomad-ui/tests/helpers/module-for-acceptance'; import { formatBytes } from 'nomad-ui/helpers/format-bytes'; import moment from 'moment'; let job; let taskGroup; let tasks; let allocations; const sum = (total, n) => total + n; moduleForAcceptance('Acceptance | task group detail', { beforeEach() { server.create('agent'); server.create('node', 'forceIPv4'); job = server.create('job', { groupsCount: 2, createAllocations: false, }); const taskGroups = server.db.taskGroups.where({ jobId: }); taskGroup = taskGroups[0]; tasks = => server.db.tasks.find(id)); server.create('node', 'forceIPv4'); allocations = server.createList('allocation', 2, { jobId:, taskGroup:, }); // Allocations associated to a different task group on the job to // assert that they aren't showing up in on this page in error. server.createList('allocation', 3, { jobId:, taskGroup: taskGroups[1].name, }); // Set a static name to make the search test deterministic server.db.allocations.forEach(alloc => { = 'aaaaa'; }); visit(`/jobs/${}/${}`); }, }); test('/jobs/:id/:task-group should list high-level metrics for the allocation', function(assert) { const totalCPU = tasks.mapBy('Resources.CPU').reduce(sum, 0); const totalMemory = tasks.mapBy('Resources.MemoryMB').reduce(sum, 0); const totalDisk = taskGroup.ephemeralDisk.SizeMB; assert.equal( find('[data-test-task-group-tasks]').textContent, `# Tasks ${tasks.length}`, '# Tasks' ); assert.equal( find('[data-test-task-group-cpu]').textContent, `Reserved CPU ${totalCPU} MHz`, 'Aggregated CPU reservation for all tasks' ); assert.equal( find('[data-test-task-group-mem]').textContent, `Reserved Memory ${totalMemory} MiB`, 'Aggregated Memory reservation for all tasks' ); assert.equal( find('[data-test-task-group-disk]').textContent, `Reserved Disk ${totalDisk} MiB`, 'Aggregated Disk reservation for all tasks' ); }); test('/jobs/:id/:task-group should have breadcrumbs for job and jobs', function(assert) { assert.equal( find('[data-test-breadcrumb="Jobs"]').textContent.trim(), 'Jobs', 'First breadcrumb says jobs' ); assert.equal( find(`[data-test-breadcrumb="${}"]`).textContent.trim(),, 'Second breadcrumb says the job name' ); assert.equal( find(`[data-test-breadcrumb="${}"]`).textContent.trim(),, 'Third breadcrumb says the job name' ); }); test('/jobs/:id/:task-group first breadcrumb should link to jobs', function(assert) { click('[data-test-breadcrumb="Jobs"]'); andThen(() => { assert.equal(currentURL(), '/jobs', 'First breadcrumb links back to jobs'); }); }); test('/jobs/:id/:task-group second breadcrumb should link to the job for the task group', function(assert) { click(`[data-test-breadcrumb="${}"]`); andThen(() => { assert.equal( currentURL(), `/jobs/${}`, 'Second breadcrumb links back to the job for the task group' ); }); }); test('/jobs/:id/:task-group should list one page of allocations for the task group', function(assert) { const pageSize = 10; server.createList('allocation', 10, { jobId:, taskGroup:, }); visit('/jobs'); visit(`/jobs/${}/${}`); andThen(() => { assert.ok( server.db.allocations.where({ jobId: }).length > pageSize, 'There are enough allocations to invoke pagination' ); assert.equal( findAll('[data-test-allocation]').length, pageSize, 'All allocations for the task group' ); }); }); test('each allocation should show basic information about the allocation', function(assert) { const allocation = allocations.sortBy('modifyIndex').reverse()[0]; const allocationRow = find('[data-test-allocation]'); andThen(() => { assert.equal( allocationRow.querySelector('[data-test-short-id]').textContent.trim(),'-')[0], 'Allocation short id' ); assert.equal( allocationRow.querySelector('[data-test-modify-time]').textContent.trim(), moment(allocation.modifyTime / 1000000).format('MM/DD HH:mm:ss'), 'Allocation modify time' ); assert.equal( allocationRow.querySelector('[data-test-name]').textContent.trim(),, 'Allocation name' ); assert.equal( allocationRow.querySelector('[data-test-client-status]').textContent.trim(), allocation.clientStatus, 'Client status' ); assert.equal( allocationRow.querySelector('[data-test-job-version]').textContent.trim(), allocation.jobVersion, 'Job Version' ); assert.equal( allocationRow.querySelector('[data-test-client]').textContent.trim(), server.db.nodes.find(allocation.nodeId).id.split('-')[0], 'Node ID' ); }); click(allocationRow.querySelector('[data-test-client] a')); andThen(() => { assert.equal(currentURL(), `/clients/${allocation.nodeId}`, 'Node links to node page'); }); }); test('each allocation should show stats about the allocation', function(assert) { const allocation = allocations.sortBy('name')[0]; const allocationRow = find('[data-test-allocation]'); const allocStats = server.db.clientAllocationStats.find(; const tasks = => server.db.tasks.find(id)); const cpuUsed = tasks.reduce((sum, task) => sum + task.Resources.CPU, 0); const memoryUsed = tasks.reduce((sum, task) => sum + task.Resources.MemoryMB, 0); assert.equal( allocationRow.querySelector('[data-test-cpu]').textContent.trim(), Math.floor(allocStats.resourceUsage.CpuStats.TotalTicks) / cpuUsed, 'CPU %' ); assert.equal( allocationRow.querySelector('[data-test-cpu] .tooltip').getAttribute('aria-label'), `${Math.floor(allocStats.resourceUsage.CpuStats.TotalTicks)} / ${cpuUsed} MHz`, 'Detailed CPU information is in a tooltip' ); assert.equal( allocationRow.querySelector('[data-test-mem]').textContent.trim(), allocStats.resourceUsage.MemoryStats.RSS / 1024 / 1024 / memoryUsed, 'Memory used' ); assert.equal( allocationRow.querySelector('[data-test-mem] .tooltip').getAttribute('aria-label'), `${formatBytes([allocStats.resourceUsage.MemoryStats.RSS])} / ${memoryUsed} MiB`, 'Detailed memory information is in a tooltip' ); }); test('when the allocation search has no matches, there is an empty message', function(assert) { fillIn('.search-box input', 'zzzzzz'); andThen(() => { assert.ok(find('[data-test-empty-allocations-list]')); assert.equal(find('[data-test-empty-allocations-list-headline]').textContent, 'No Matches'); }); });