import { collect, sum, bool, equal, or } from '@ember/object/computed'; import { computed } from '@ember/object'; import Model from 'ember-data/model'; import attr from 'ember-data/attr'; import { belongsTo, hasMany } from 'ember-data/relationships'; import { fragmentArray } from 'ember-data-model-fragments/attributes'; import sumAggregation from '../utils/properties/sum-aggregation'; const JOB_TYPES = ['service', 'batch', 'system']; export default Model.extend({ region: attr('string'), name: attr('string'), plainId: attr('string'), type: attr('string'), priority: attr('number'), allAtOnce: attr('boolean'), status: attr('string'), statusDescription: attr('string'), createIndex: attr('number'), modifyIndex: attr('number'), // True when the job is the parent periodic or parameterized jobs // Instances of periodic or parameterized jobs are false for both properties periodic: attr('boolean'), parameterized: attr('boolean'), periodicDetails: attr(), parameterizedDetails: attr(), hasChildren: or('periodic', 'parameterized'), parent: belongsTo('job', { inverse: 'children' }), children: hasMany('job', { inverse: 'parent' }), // The parent job name is prepended to child launch job names trimmedName: computed('name', 'parent', function() { return this.get('parent.content') ? this.get('name').replace(/.+?\//, '') : this.get('name'); }), // A composite of type and other job attributes to determine // a better type descriptor for human interpretation rather // than for scheduling. displayType: computed('type', 'periodic', 'parameterized', function() { if (this.get('periodic')) { return 'periodic'; } else if (this.get('parameterized')) { return 'parameterized'; } return this.get('type'); }), // A composite of type and other job attributes to determine // type for templating rather than scheduling templateType: computed( 'type', 'periodic', 'parameterized', 'parent.periodic', 'parent.parameterized', function() { const type = this.get('type'); if (this.get('periodic')) { return 'periodic'; } else if (this.get('parameterized')) { return 'parameterized'; } else if (this.get('parent.periodic')) { return 'periodic-child'; } else if (this.get('parent.parameterized')) { return 'parameterized-child'; } else if (JOB_TYPES.includes(type)) { // Guard against the API introducing a new type before the UI // is prepared to handle it. return this.get('type'); } // A fail-safe in the event the API introduces a new type. return 'service'; } ), datacenters: attr(), taskGroups: fragmentArray('task-group', { defaultValue: () => [] }), taskGroupSummaries: fragmentArray('task-group-summary'), // Aggregate allocation counts across all summaries queuedAllocs: sumAggregation('taskGroupSummaries', 'queuedAllocs'), startingAllocs: sumAggregation('taskGroupSummaries', 'startingAllocs'), runningAllocs: sumAggregation('taskGroupSummaries', 'runningAllocs'), completeAllocs: sumAggregation('taskGroupSummaries', 'completeAllocs'), failedAllocs: sumAggregation('taskGroupSummaries', 'failedAllocs'), lostAllocs: sumAggregation('taskGroupSummaries', 'lostAllocs'), allocsList: collect( 'queuedAllocs', 'startingAllocs', 'runningAllocs', 'completeAllocs', 'failedAllocs', 'lostAllocs' ), totalAllocs: sum('allocsList'), pendingChildren: attr('number'), runningChildren: attr('number'), deadChildren: attr('number'), childrenList: collect('pendingChildren', 'runningChildren', 'deadChildren'), totalChildren: sum('childrenList'), version: attr('number'), versions: hasMany('job-versions'), allocations: hasMany('allocations'), deployments: hasMany('deployments'), evaluations: hasMany('evaluations'), namespace: belongsTo('namespace'), hasPlacementFailures: bool('latestFailureEvaluation'), latestEvaluation: computed('evaluations.@each.modifyIndex', 'evaluations.isPending', function() { const evaluations = this.get('evaluations'); if (!evaluations || evaluations.get('isPending')) { return null; } return evaluations.sortBy('modifyIndex').get('lastObject'); }), latestFailureEvaluation: computed( 'evaluations.@each.modifyIndex', 'evaluations.isPending', function() { const evaluations = this.get('evaluations'); if (!evaluations || evaluations.get('isPending')) { return null; } const failureEvaluations = evaluations.filterBy('hasPlacementFailures'); if (failureEvaluations) { return failureEvaluations.sortBy('modifyIndex').get('lastObject'); } } ), supportsDeployments: equal('type', 'service'), runningDeployment: computed('deployments.@each.status', function() { return this.get('deployments').findBy('status', 'running'); }), fetchRawDefinition() { return'job').fetchRawDefinition(this); }, forcePeriodic() { return'job').forcePeriodic(this); }, statusClass: computed('status', function() { const classMap = { pending: 'is-pending', running: 'is-primary', dead: 'is-light', }; return classMap[this.get('status')] || 'is-dark'; }), payload: attr('string'), decodedPayload: computed('payload', function() { // Lazily decode the base64 encoded payload return window.atob(this.get('payload') || ''); }), });