{{#if this.parseError}}

Parse Error


{{/if}} {{#if this.planError}}

Plan Error


{{/if}} {{#if this.runError}}

Run Error


{{/if}} {{#if (eq this.stage "editor")}}

Run a job

Paste or author HCL or JSON to submit to your cluster, or select from a list of templates. A plan will be requested before the job is submitted. You can also attach a job spec by uploading a job file or dragging & dropping a file to the editor.

Job Definition {{#if this.cancelable}} {{/if}}
{{#if this.job.isNew}} {{#if (can "write variable" path="*" namespace="*")}} {{/if}} {{/if}}
{{/if}} {{#if (eq this.stage "plan")}} {{#if this.showPlanMessage}}

Job Plan

This is the impact running this job will have on your cluster.

Job Plan
Scheduler dry-run
{{#if this.planOutput.failedTGAllocs}} {{#each this.planOutput.failedTGAllocs as |placementFailure|}} {{/each}} {{else}} All tasks successfully allocated. {{/if}}
{{#if (and this.planOutput.preemptions.isFulfilled this.planOutput.preemptions.length ) }}
Preemptions (if you choose to run this job, these allocations will be stopped)
ID Task Group Created Modified Status Version Node Volume CPU Memory
{{/if}} {{/if}}