import Component from '@ember/component'; import { assert } from '@ember/debug'; import { inject as service } from '@ember/service'; import { computed } from '@ember/object'; import { task } from 'ember-concurrency'; import messageFromAdapterError from 'nomad-ui/utils/message-from-adapter-error'; import localStorageProperty from 'nomad-ui/utils/properties/local-storage'; import classic from 'ember-classic-decorator'; @classic export default class JobEditor extends Component { @service store; @service config; 'data-test-job-editor' = true; job = null; onSubmit() {} @computed get context() { return this._context; } set context(value) { const allowedValues = ['new', 'edit']; assert(`context must be one of: ${allowedValues.join(', ')}`, allowedValues.includes(value)); this.set('_context', value); return value; } _context = null; parseError = null; planError = null; runError = null; planOutput = null; @localStorageProperty('nomadMessageJobPlan', true) showPlanMessage; @localStorageProperty('nomadMessageJobEditor', true) showEditorMessage; @computed('planOutput') get stage() { return this.planOutput ? 'plan' : 'editor'; } @(task(function*() { this.reset(); try { yield this.job.parse(); } catch (err) { const error = messageFromAdapterError(err) || 'Could not parse input'; this.set('parseError', error); this.scrollToError(); return; } try { const plan = yield this.job.plan(); this.set('planOutput', plan); } catch (err) { const error = messageFromAdapterError(err) || 'Could not plan job'; this.set('planError', error); this.scrollToError(); } }).drop()) plan; @task(function*() { try { if (this.context === 'new') { yield; } else { yield this.job.update(); } const id = this.get('job.plainId'); const namespace = this.get('') || 'default'; this.reset(); // Treat the job as ephemeral and only provide ID parts. this.onSubmit(id, namespace); } catch (err) { const error = messageFromAdapterError(err) || 'Could not submit job'; this.set('runError', error); this.set('planOutput', null); this.scrollToError(); } }) submit; reset() { this.set('planOutput', null); this.set('planError', null); this.set('parseError', null); this.set('runError', null); } scrollToError() { if (!this.get('config.isTest')) { window.scrollTo(0, 0); } } }