import { run } from '@ember/runloop'; import { module, test } from 'qunit'; import { setupRenderingTest } from 'ember-qunit'; import { render, settled } from '@ember/test-helpers'; import { find, click } from 'ember-native-dom-helpers'; import hbs from 'htmlbars-inline-precompile'; import Pretender from 'pretender'; import { logEncode } from '../../mirage/data/logs'; const HOST = ''; const allowedConnectionTime = 100; const commonProps = { interval: 200, allocation: { id: 'alloc-1', node: { httpAddr: HOST, }, }, task: 'task-name', clientTimeout: allowedConnectionTime, serverTimeout: allowedConnectionTime, }; const logHead = ['HEAD']; const logTail = ['TAIL']; const streamFrames = ['one\n', 'two\n', 'three\n', 'four\n', 'five\n']; let streamPointer = 0; module('Integration | Component | task log', function(hooks) { setupRenderingTest(hooks); hooks.beforeEach(function() { const handler = ({ queryParams }) => { const { origin, offset, plain, follow } = queryParams; let frames; let data; if (origin === 'start' && offset === '0' && plain && !follow) { frames = logHead; } else if (origin === 'end' && plain && !follow) { frames = logTail; } else { frames = streamFrames; } if (frames === streamFrames) { data = queryParams.plain ? frames[streamPointer] : logEncode(frames, streamPointer); streamPointer++; } else { data = queryParams.plain ? frames.join('') : logEncode(frames, frames.length - 1); } return [200, {}, data]; }; this.server = new Pretender(function() { this.get(`http://${HOST}/v1/client/fs/logs/:allocation_id`, handler); this.get('/v1/client/fs/logs/:allocation_id', handler); this.get('/v1/regions', () => [200, {}, '[]']); }); }); hooks.afterEach(function() { this.server.shutdown(); streamPointer = 0; }); test('Basic appearance', async function(assert) { run.later(run, run.cancelTimers, commonProps.interval); this.setProperties(commonProps); await render(hbs`{{task-log allocation=allocation task=task}}`); assert.ok(find('[data-test-log-action="stdout"]'), 'Stdout button'); assert.ok(find('[data-test-log-action="stderr"]'), 'Stderr button'); assert.ok(find('[data-test-log-action="head"]'), 'Head button'); assert.ok(find('[data-test-log-action="tail"]'), 'Tail button'); assert.ok(find('[data-test-log-action="toggle-stream"]'), 'Stream toggle button'); assert.ok(find('[data-test-log-box]'), 'Body is full-bleed and dark'); assert.ok( find('pre.cli-window'), 'Cli is preformatted and using the cli-window component class' ); }); test('Streaming starts on creation', async function(assert) { run.later(run, run.cancelTimers, commonProps.interval); this.setProperties(commonProps); await render(hbs`{{task-log allocation=allocation task=task}}`); const logUrlRegex = new RegExp(`${HOST}/v1/client/fs/logs/${}`); assert.ok( this.server.handledRequests.filter(req => logUrlRegex.test(req.url)).length, 'Log requests were made' ); await settled(); assert.equal( find('[data-test-log-cli]').textContent, streamFrames[0], 'First chunk of streaming log is shown' ); }); test('Clicking Head loads the log head', async function(assert) { run.later(run, run.cancelTimers, commonProps.interval); this.setProperties(commonProps); await render(hbs`{{task-log allocation=allocation task=task}}`); click('[data-test-log-action="head"]'); await settled(); assert.ok( this.server.handledRequests.find( ({ queryParams: qp }) => qp.origin === 'start' && qp.plain === 'true' && qp.offset === '0' ), 'Log head request was made' ); assert.equal(find('[data-test-log-cli]').textContent, logHead[0], 'Head of the log is shown'); }); test('Clicking Tail loads the log tail', async function(assert) { run.later(run, run.cancelTimers, commonProps.interval); this.setProperties(commonProps); await render(hbs`{{task-log allocation=allocation task=task}}`); click('[data-test-log-action="tail"]'); await settled(); assert.ok( this.server.handledRequests.find( ({ queryParams: qp }) => qp.origin === 'end' && qp.plain === 'true' ), 'Log tail request was made' ); assert.equal(find('[data-test-log-cli]').textContent, logTail[0], 'Tail of the log is shown'); }); test('Clicking toggleStream starts and stops the log stream', async function(assert) { run.later(run, run.cancelTimers, commonProps.interval); const { interval } = commonProps; this.setProperties(commonProps); await render(hbs`{{task-log allocation=allocation task=task interval=interval}}`); run.later(() => { click('[data-test-log-action="toggle-stream"]'); }, interval); await settled(); assert.equal(find('[data-test-log-cli]').textContent, streamFrames[0], 'First frame loaded'); run.later(() => { assert.equal( find('[data-test-log-cli]').textContent, streamFrames[0], 'Still only first frame' ); click('[data-test-log-action="toggle-stream"]'); run.later(run, run.cancelTimers, interval * 2); }, interval * 2); await settled(); assert.equal( find('[data-test-log-cli]').textContent, streamFrames[0] + streamFrames[0] + streamFrames[1], 'Now includes second frame' ); }); test('Clicking stderr switches the log to standard error', async function(assert) { run.later(run, run.cancelTimers, commonProps.interval); this.setProperties(commonProps); await render(hbs`{{task-log allocation=allocation task=task}}`); click('[data-test-log-action="stderr"]'); run.later(run, run.cancelTimers, commonProps.interval); await settled(); assert.ok( this.server.handledRequests.filter(req => req.queryParams.type === 'stderr').length, 'stderr log requests were made' ); }); test('When the client is inaccessible, task-log falls back to requesting logs through the server', async function(assert) { run.later(run, run.cancelTimers, allowedConnectionTime * 2); // override client response to timeout this.server.get( `http://${HOST}/v1/client/fs/logs/:allocation_id`, () => [400, {}, ''], allowedConnectionTime * 2 ); this.setProperties(commonProps); await render(hbs`{{task-log allocation=allocation task=task clientTimeout=clientTimeout serverTimeout=serverTimeout}}`); const clientUrlRegex = new RegExp(`${HOST}/v1/client/fs/logs/${}`); assert.ok( this.server.handledRequests.filter(req => clientUrlRegex.test(req.url)).length, 'Log request was initially made directly to the client' ); await settled(); const serverUrl = `/v1/client/fs/logs/${}`; assert.ok( this.server.handledRequests.filter(req => req.url.startsWith(serverUrl)).length, 'Log request was later made to the server' ); }); test('When both the client and the server are inaccessible, an error message is shown', async function(assert) { run.later(run, run.cancelTimers, allowedConnectionTime * 5); // override client and server responses to timeout this.server.get( `http://${HOST}/v1/client/fs/logs/:allocation_id`, () => [400, {}, ''], allowedConnectionTime * 2 ); this.server.get( '/v1/client/fs/logs/:allocation_id', () => [400, {}, ''], allowedConnectionTime * 2 ); this.setProperties(commonProps); await render(hbs`{{task-log allocation=allocation task=task clientTimeout=clientTimeout serverTimeout=serverTimeout}}`); await settled(); const clientUrlRegex = new RegExp(`${HOST}/v1/client/fs/logs/${}`); assert.ok( this.server.handledRequests.filter(req => clientUrlRegex.test(req.url)).length, 'Log request was initially made directly to the client' ); const serverUrl = `/v1/client/fs/logs/${}`; assert.ok( this.server.handledRequests.filter(req => req.url.startsWith(serverUrl)).length, 'Log request was later made to the server' ); assert.ok(find('[data-test-connection-error]'), 'An error message is shown'); }); });