import EmberObject, { computed } from '@ember/object'; import Service from '@ember/service'; import { module, test } from 'qunit'; import { setupRenderingTest } from 'ember-qunit'; import { render, settled } from '@ember/test-helpers'; import hbs from 'htmlbars-inline-precompile'; import { find } from 'ember-native-dom-helpers'; import { task } from 'ember-concurrency'; import sinon from 'sinon'; import { startMirage } from 'nomad-ui/initializers/ember-cli-mirage'; import { initialize as fragmentSerializerInitializer } from 'nomad-ui/initializers/fragment-serializer'; module('Integration | Component | primary metric', function(hooks) { setupRenderingTest(hooks); hooks.beforeEach(function() { fragmentSerializerInitializer(this.owner); = this.owner.lookup('service:store'); this.server = startMirage(); this.server.create('namespace'); this.server.create('node'); const getTrackerSpy = (this.getTrackerSpy = sinon.spy()); const trackerPollSpy = (this.trackerPollSpy = sinon.spy()); const trackerSignalPauseSpy = (this.trackerSignalPauseSpy = sinon.spy()); const MockTracker = EmberObject.extend({ poll: task(function*() { yield trackerPollSpy(); }), signalPause: task(function*() { yield trackerSignalPauseSpy(); }), cpu: computed(() => []), memory: computed(() => []), }); const mockStatsTrackersRegistry = Service.extend({ getTracker(...args) { getTrackerSpy(...args); return MockTracker.create(); }, }); this.owner.register('service:stats-trackers-registry', mockStatsTrackersRegistry); this.statsTrackersRegistry = this.owner.lookup('service:stats-trackers-registry'); }); hooks.afterEach(function() { this.server.shutdown(); }); const commonTemplate = hbs` {{primary-metric resource=resource metric=metric}} `; test('Contains a line chart, a percentage bar, a percentage figure, and an absolute usage figure', function(assert) { let resource; const metric = 'cpu';'node'); return settled() .then(async () => { resource ='node').get('firstObject'); this.setProperties({ resource, metric }); await render(commonTemplate); return settled(); }) .then(() => { assert.ok(find('[data-test-line-chart]'), 'Line chart'); assert.ok(find('[data-test-percentage-bar]'), 'Percentage bar'); assert.ok(find('[data-test-percentage]'), 'Percentage figure'); assert.ok(find('[data-test-absolute-value]'), 'Absolute usage figure'); }); }); test('The CPU metric maps to is-info', function(assert) { let resource; const metric = 'cpu';'node'); return settled() .then(async () => { resource ='node').get('firstObject'); this.setProperties({ resource, metric }); await render(commonTemplate); return settled(); }) .then(() => { assert.ok( find('[data-test-line-chart] .canvas').classList.contains('is-info'), 'Info class for CPU metric' ); }); }); test('The Memory metric maps to is-danger', function(assert) { let resource; const metric = 'memory';'node'); return settled() .then(async () => { resource ='node').get('firstObject'); this.setProperties({ resource, metric }); await render(commonTemplate); return settled(); }) .then(() => { assert.ok( find('[data-test-line-chart] .canvas').classList.contains('is-danger'), 'Danger class for Memory metric' ); }); }); test('Gets the tracker from the tracker registry', function(assert) { let resource; const metric = 'cpu';'node'); return settled() .then(async () => { resource ='node').get('firstObject'); this.setProperties({ resource, metric }); await render(commonTemplate); return settled(); }) .then(() => { assert.ok( this.getTrackerSpy.calledWith(resource), 'Uses the tracker registry to get the tracker for the provided resource' ); }); }); test('Immediately polls the tracker', function(assert) { let resource; const metric = 'cpu';'node'); return settled() .then(async () => { resource ='node').get('firstObject'); this.setProperties({ resource, metric }); await render(commonTemplate); return settled(); }) .then(() => { assert.ok(this.trackerPollSpy.calledOnce, 'The tracker is polled immediately'); }); }); test('A pause signal is sent to the tracker when the component is destroyed', function(assert) { let resource; const metric = 'cpu'; // Capture a reference to the spy before the component is destroyed const trackerSignalPauseSpy = this.trackerSignalPauseSpy;'node'); return settled() .then(async () => { resource ='node').get('firstObject'); this.setProperties({ resource, metric, showComponent: true }); await render(hbs` {{#if showComponent}} {{primary-metric resource=resource metric=metric}} }} {{/if}} `); return settled(); }) .then(() => { assert.notOk(trackerSignalPauseSpy.called, 'No pause signal has been sent yet'); // This will toggle the if statement, resulting the primary-metric component being destroyed. this.set('showComponent', false); return settled(); }) .then(() => { assert.ok(trackerSignalPauseSpy.calledOnce, 'A pause signal is sent to the tracker'); }); }); });