import { currentURL } from '@ember/test-helpers'; import { module, test } from 'qunit'; import { setupApplicationTest } from 'ember-qunit'; import setupMirage from 'ember-cli-mirage/test-support/setup-mirage'; import Allocations from 'nomad-ui/tests/pages/jobs/job/allocations'; let job; let allocations; const makeSearchAllocations = server => { Array(10) .fill(null) .map((_, index) => { server.create('allocation', { id: index < 5 ? `ffffff-dddddd-${index}` : `111111-222222-${index}`, shallow: true, }); }); }; module('Acceptance | job allocations', function(hooks) { setupApplicationTest(hooks); setupMirage(hooks); hooks.beforeEach(function() { server.create('node'); job = server.create('job', { noFailedPlacements: true, createAllocations: false }); }); test('lists all allocations for the job', async function(assert) { server.createList('allocation', Allocations.pageSize - 1, { shallow: true }); allocations = server.schema.allocations.where({ jobId: }).models; await Allocations.visit({ id: }); assert.equal( Allocations.allocations.length, Allocations.pageSize - 1, 'Allocations are shown in a table' ); const sortedAllocations = allocations.sortBy('modifyIndex').reverse(); Allocations.allocations.forEach((allocation, index) => { const shortId = sortedAllocations[index].id.split('-')[0]; assert.equal(allocation.shortId, shortId, `Allocation ${index} is ${shortId}`); }); }); test('allocations table is sortable', async function(assert) { server.createList('allocation', Allocations.pageSize - 1); allocations = server.schema.allocations.where({ jobId: }).models; await Allocations.visit({ id: }); await Allocations.sortBy('taskGroupName'); assert.equal( currentURL(), `/jobs/${}/allocations?sort=taskGroupName`, 'the URL persists the sort parameter' ); const sortedAllocations = allocations.sortBy('taskGroup').reverse(); Allocations.allocations.forEach((allocation, index) => { const shortId = sortedAllocations[index].id.split('-')[0]; assert.equal( allocation.shortId, shortId, `Allocation ${index} is ${shortId} with task group ${sortedAllocations[index].taskGroup}` ); }); }); test('allocations table is searchable', async function(assert) { makeSearchAllocations(server); allocations = server.schema.allocations.where({ jobId: }).models; await Allocations.visit({ id: }); await'ffffff'); assert.equal(Allocations.allocations.length, 5, 'List is filtered by search term'); }); test('when a search yields no results, the search box remains', async function(assert) { makeSearchAllocations(server); allocations = server.schema.allocations.where({ jobId: }).models; await Allocations.visit({ id: }); await'^nothing will ever match this long regex$'); assert.equal( Allocations.emptyState.headline, 'No Matches', 'List is empty and the empty state is about search' ); assert.ok(Allocations.hasSearchBox, 'Search box is still shown'); }); test('when the job for the allocations is not found, an error message is shown, but the URL persists', async function(assert) { await Allocations.visit({ id: 'not-a-real-job' }); assert.equal( server.pretender.handledRequests.findBy('status', 404).url, '/v1/job/not-a-real-job', 'A request to the nonexistent job is made' ); assert.equal(currentURL(), '/jobs/not-a-real-job/allocations', 'The URL persists'); assert.ok(Allocations.error.isPresent, 'Error message is shown'); assert.equal(Allocations.error.title, 'Not Found', 'Error message is for 404'); }); });