import { currentURL } from '@ember/test-helpers'; import { assign } from '@ember/polyfills'; import { module, test } from 'qunit'; import { setupApplicationTest } from 'ember-qunit'; import { setupMirage } from 'ember-cli-mirage/test-support'; import { formatBytes } from 'nomad-ui/helpers/format-bytes'; import formatDuration from 'nomad-ui/utils/format-duration'; import moment from 'moment'; import ClientDetail from 'nomad-ui/tests/pages/clients/detail'; import Clients from 'nomad-ui/tests/pages/clients/list'; import Jobs from 'nomad-ui/tests/pages/jobs/list'; let node; const wasPreemptedFilter = allocation => !!allocation.preemptedByAllocation; module('Acceptance | client detail', function(hooks) { setupApplicationTest(hooks); setupMirage(hooks); hooks.beforeEach(function() { server.create('node', 'forceIPv4', { schedulingEligibility: 'eligible' }); node = server.db.nodes[0]; // Related models server.create('agent'); server.create('job', { createAllocations: false }); server.createList('allocation', 3); server.create('allocation', 'preempted'); // Force all allocations into the running state so now allocation rows are missing // CPU/Mem runtime metrics server.schema.allocations.all().models.forEach(allocation => { allocation.update({ clientStatus: 'running' }); }); }); test('/clients/:id should have a breadcrumb trail linking back to clients', async function(assert) { await ClientDetail.visit({ id: }); assert.equal(document.title, `Client ${} - Nomad`); assert.equal( ClientDetail.breadcrumbFor('clients.index').text, 'Clients', 'First breadcrumb says clients' ); assert.equal( ClientDetail.breadcrumbFor('clients.client').text,'-')[0], 'Second breadcrumb says the node short id' ); await ClientDetail.breadcrumbFor('clients.index').visit(); assert.equal(currentURL(), '/clients', 'First breadcrumb links back to clients'); }); test('/clients/:id should list immediate details for the node in the title', async function(assert) { await ClientDetail.visit({ id: }); assert.ok(ClientDetail.title.includes(, 'Title includes name'); assert.ok(ClientDetail.title.includes(, 'Title includes id'); assert.equal( ClientDetail.statusLight.objectAt(0).id, node.status, 'Title includes status light' ); }); test('/clients/:id should list additional detail for the node below the title', async function(assert) { await ClientDetail.visit({ id: }); assert.ok( ClientDetail.statusDefinition.includes(node.status), 'Status is in additional details' ); assert.ok( ClientDetail.statusDecorationClass.includes(`node-${node.status}`), 'Status is decorated with a status class' ); assert.ok( ClientDetail.addressDefinition.includes(node.httpAddr), 'Address is in additional details' ); assert.ok( ClientDetail.drainingDefinition.includes(node.drain + ''), 'Drain status is in additional details' ); assert.ok( ClientDetail.eligibilityDefinition.includes(node.schedulingEligibility), 'Scheduling eligibility is in additional details' ); assert.ok( ClientDetail.datacenterDefinition.includes(node.datacenter), 'Datacenter is in additional details' ); }); test('/clients/:id should include resource utilization graphs', async function(assert) { await ClientDetail.visit({ id: }); assert.equal(ClientDetail.resourceCharts.length, 2, 'Two resource utilization graphs'); assert.equal(ClientDetail.resourceCharts.objectAt(0).name, 'CPU', 'First chart is CPU'); assert.equal(ClientDetail.resourceCharts.objectAt(1).name, 'Memory', 'Second chart is Memory'); }); test('/clients/:id should list all allocations on the node', async function(assert) { const allocationsCount = server.db.allocations.where({ nodeId: }).length; await ClientDetail.visit({ id: }); assert.equal( ClientDetail.allocations.length, allocationsCount, `Allocations table lists all ${allocationsCount} associated allocations` ); }); test('each allocation should have high-level details for the allocation', async function(assert) { const allocation = server.db.allocations .where({ nodeId: }) .sortBy('modifyIndex') .reverse()[0]; const allocStats = server.db.clientAllocationStats.find(; const taskGroup = server.db.taskGroups.findBy({ name: allocation.taskGroup, jobId: allocation.jobId, }); const tasks = => server.db.tasks.find(id)); const cpuUsed = tasks.reduce((sum, task) => sum + task.Resources.CPU, 0); const memoryUsed = tasks.reduce((sum, task) => sum + task.Resources.MemoryMB, 0); await ClientDetail.visit({ id: }); const allocationRow = ClientDetail.allocations.objectAt(0); assert.equal(allocationRow.shortId,'-')[0], 'Allocation short ID'); assert.equal( allocationRow.createTime, moment(allocation.createTime / 1000000).format('MMM DD HH:mm:ss ZZ'), 'Allocation create time' ); assert.equal( allocationRow.modifyTime, moment(allocation.modifyTime / 1000000).fromNow(), 'Allocation modify time' ); assert.equal(allocationRow.status, allocation.clientStatus, 'Client status'); assert.equal(allocationRow.job,, 'Job name'); assert.ok(allocationRow.taskGroup, 'Task group name'); assert.ok(allocationRow.jobVersion, 'Job Version'); assert.equal( allocationRow.cpu, Math.floor(allocStats.resourceUsage.CpuStats.TotalTicks) / cpuUsed, 'CPU %' ); assert.equal( allocationRow.cpuTooltip, `${Math.floor(allocStats.resourceUsage.CpuStats.TotalTicks)} / ${cpuUsed} MHz`, 'Detailed CPU information is in a tooltip' ); assert.equal( allocationRow.mem, allocStats.resourceUsage.MemoryStats.RSS / 1024 / 1024 / memoryUsed, 'Memory used' ); assert.equal( allocationRow.memTooltip, `${formatBytes([allocStats.resourceUsage.MemoryStats.RSS])} / ${memoryUsed} MiB`, 'Detailed memory information is in a tooltip' ); }); test('each allocation should show job information even if the job is incomplete and already in the store', async function(assert) { // First, visit clients to load the allocations for each visible node. // Don't load the job belongsTo of the allocation! Leave it unfulfilled. await Clients.visit(); // Then, visit jobs to load all jobs, which should implicitly fulfill // the job belongsTo of each allocation pointed at each job. await Jobs.visit(); // Finally, visit a node to assert that the job name and task group name are // present. This will require reloading the job, since task groups aren't a // part of the jobs list response. await ClientDetail.visit({ id: }); const allocationRow = ClientDetail.allocations.objectAt(0); const allocation = server.db.allocations .where({ nodeId: }) .sortBy('modifyIndex') .reverse()[0]; assert.equal(allocationRow.job,, 'Job name'); assert.ok(allocationRow.taskGroup.includes(allocation.taskGroup), 'Task group name'); }); test('each allocation should link to the allocation detail page', async function(assert) { const allocation = server.db.allocations .where({ nodeId: }) .sortBy('modifyIndex') .reverse()[0]; await ClientDetail.visit({ id: }); await ClientDetail.allocations.objectAt(0).visit(); assert.equal( currentURL(), `/allocations/${}`, 'Allocation rows link to allocation detail pages' ); }); test('each allocation should link to the job the allocation belongs to', async function(assert) { await ClientDetail.visit({ id: }); const allocation = server.db.allocations.where({ nodeId: })[0]; const job =; await ClientDetail.allocations.objectAt(0).visitJob(); assert.equal( currentURL(), `/jobs/${}`, 'Allocation rows link to the job detail page for the allocation' ); }); test('the allocation section should show the count of preempted allocations on the client', async function(assert) { const allocations = server.db.allocations.where({ nodeId: }); await ClientDetail.visit({ id: }); assert.equal( ClientDetail.allocationFilter.allCount, allocations.length, 'All filter/badge shows all allocations count' ); assert.ok( ClientDetail.allocationFilter.preemptionsCount.startsWith( allocations.filter(wasPreemptedFilter).length ), 'Preemptions filter/badge shows preempted allocations count' ); }); test('clicking the preemption badge filters the allocations table and sets a query param', async function(assert) { const allocations = server.db.allocations.where({ nodeId: }); await ClientDetail.visit({ id: }); await ClientDetail.allocationFilter.preemptions(); assert.equal( ClientDetail.allocations.length, allocations.filter(wasPreemptedFilter).length, 'Only preempted allocations are shown' ); assert.equal( currentURL(), `/clients/${}?preemptions=true`, 'Filter is persisted in the URL' ); }); test('clicking the total allocations badge resets the filter and removes the query param', async function(assert) { const allocations = server.db.allocations.where({ nodeId: }); await ClientDetail.visit({ id: }); await ClientDetail.allocationFilter.preemptions(); await ClientDetail.allocationFilter.all(); assert.equal(ClientDetail.allocations.length, allocations.length, 'All allocations are shown'); assert.equal(currentURL(), `/clients/${}`, 'Filter is persisted in the URL'); }); test('navigating directly to the client detail page with the preemption query param set will filter the allocations table', async function(assert) { const allocations = server.db.allocations.where({ nodeId: }); await ClientDetail.visit({ id:, preemptions: true }); assert.equal( ClientDetail.allocations.length, allocations.filter(wasPreemptedFilter).length, 'Only preempted allocations are shown' ); }); test('/clients/:id should list all attributes for the node', async function(assert) { await ClientDetail.visit({ id: }); assert.ok(ClientDetail.attributesTable, 'Attributes table is on the page'); }); test('/clients/:id lists all meta attributes', async function(assert) { node = server.create('node', 'forceIPv4', 'withMeta'); await ClientDetail.visit({ id: }); assert.ok(ClientDetail.metaTable, 'Meta attributes table is on the page'); assert.notOk(ClientDetail.emptyMetaMessage, 'Meta attributes is not empty'); const firstMetaKey = Object.keys(node.meta)[0]; const firstMetaAttribute = ClientDetail.metaAttributes.objectAt(0); assert.equal( firstMetaAttribute.key, firstMetaKey, 'Meta attributes for the node are bound to the attributes table' ); assert.equal( firstMetaAttribute.value, node.meta[firstMetaKey], 'Meta attributes for the node are bound to the attributes table' ); }); test('/clients/:id shows an empty message when there is no meta data', async function(assert) { await ClientDetail.visit({ id: }); assert.notOk(ClientDetail.metaTable, 'Meta attributes table is not on the page'); assert.ok(ClientDetail.emptyMetaMessage, 'Meta attributes is empty'); }); test('when the node is not found, an error message is shown, but the URL persists', async function(assert) { await ClientDetail.visit({ id: 'not-a-real-node' }); assert.equal( server.pretender.handledRequests.findBy('status', 404).url, '/v1/node/not-a-real-node', 'A request to the nonexistent node is made' ); assert.equal(currentURL(), '/clients/not-a-real-node', 'The URL persists'); assert.ok(ClientDetail.error.isShown, 'Error message is shown'); assert.equal(ClientDetail.error.title, 'Not Found', 'Error message is for 404'); }); test('/clients/:id shows the recent events list', async function(assert) { await ClientDetail.visit({ id: }); assert.ok(ClientDetail.hasEvents, 'Client events section exists'); }); test('each node event shows basic node event information', async function(assert) { const event = server.db.nodeEvents .where({ nodeId: }) .sortBy('time') .reverse()[0]; await ClientDetail.visit({ id: }); const eventRow =; assert.equal( eventRow.time, moment(event.time).format("MMM DD, 'YY HH:mm:ss ZZ"), 'Event timestamp' ); assert.equal(eventRow.subsystem, event.subsystem, 'Event subsystem'); assert.equal(eventRow.message, event.message, 'Event message'); }); test('/clients/:id shows the driver status of every driver for the node', async function(assert) { // Set the drivers up so health and detection is well tested const nodeDrivers = node.drivers; const undetectedDriver = 'raw_exec'; Object.values(nodeDrivers).forEach(driver => { driver.Detected = true; }); nodeDrivers[undetectedDriver].Detected = false; node.drivers = nodeDrivers; const drivers = Object.keys(node.drivers) .map(driverName => assign({ Name: driverName }, node.drivers[driverName])) .sortBy('Name'); assert.ok(drivers.length > 0, 'Node has drivers'); await ClientDetail.visit({ id: }); drivers.forEach((driver, index) => { const driverHead = ClientDetail.driverHeads.objectAt(index); assert.equal(, driver.Name, `${driver.Name}: Name is correct`); assert.equal( driverHead.detected, driver.Detected ? 'Yes' : 'No', `${driver.Name}: Detection is correct` ); assert.equal( driverHead.lastUpdated, moment(driver.UpdateTime).fromNow(), `${driver.Name}: Last updated shows time since now` ); if (driver.Name === undetectedDriver) { assert.notOk( driverHead.healthIsShown, `${driver.Name}: No health for the undetected driver` ); } else { assert.equal(, driver.Healthy ? 'Healthy' : 'Unhealthy', `${driver.Name}: Health is correct` ); assert.ok( driverHead.healthClass.includes(driver.Healthy ? 'running' : 'failed'), `${driver.Name}: Swatch with correct class is shown` ); } }); }); test('each driver can be opened to see a message and attributes', async function(assert) { // Only detected drivers can be expanded const nodeDrivers = node.drivers; Object.values(nodeDrivers).forEach(driver => { driver.Detected = true; }); node.drivers = nodeDrivers; const driver = Object.keys(node.drivers) .map(driverName => assign({ Name: driverName }, node.drivers[driverName])) .sortBy('Name')[0]; await ClientDetail.visit({ id: }); const driverHead = ClientDetail.driverHeads.objectAt(0); const driverBody = ClientDetail.driverBodies.objectAt(0); assert.notOk(driverBody.descriptionIsShown, 'Driver health description is not shown'); assert.notOk(driverBody.attributesAreShown, 'Driver attributes section is not shown'); await driverHead.toggle(); assert.equal( driverBody.description, driver.HealthDescription, 'Driver health description is now shown' ); assert.ok(driverBody.attributesAreShown, 'Driver attributes section is now shown'); }); test('the status light indicates when the node is ineligible for scheduling', async function(assert) { node = server.create('node', { schedulingEligibility: 'ineligible', }); await ClientDetail.visit({ id: }); assert.equal( ClientDetail.statusLight.objectAt(0).id, 'ineligible', 'Title status light is in the ineligible state' ); }); test('when the node has a drain strategy with a positive deadline, the drain stategy section prints the duration', async function(assert) { const deadline = 5400000000000; // 1.5 hours in nanoseconds const forceDeadline = moment().add(1, 'd'); node = server.create('node', { drain: true, schedulingEligibility: 'ineligible', drainStrategy: { Deadline: deadline, ForceDeadline: forceDeadline.toISOString(), IgnoreSystemJobs: false, }, }); await ClientDetail.visit({ id: }); assert.ok( ClientDetail.drain.deadline.includes(formatDuration(deadline)), 'Deadline is shown in a human formatted way' ); assert.ok( ClientDetail.drain.forcedDeadline.includes(forceDeadline.format("MMM DD, 'YY HH:mm:ss ZZ")), 'Force deadline is shown as an absolute date' ); assert.ok( ClientDetail.drain.forcedDeadline.includes(forceDeadline.fromNow()), 'Force deadline is shown as a relative date' ); assert.ok( ClientDetail.drain.ignoreSystemJobs.endsWith('No'), 'Ignore System Jobs state is shown' ); }); test('when the node has a drain stategy with no deadline, the drain stategy section mentions that and omits the force deadline', async function(assert) { const deadline = 0; node = server.create('node', { drain: true, schedulingEligibility: 'ineligible', drainStrategy: { Deadline: deadline, ForceDeadline: '0001-01-01T00:00:00Z', // null as a date IgnoreSystemJobs: true, }, }); await ClientDetail.visit({ id: }); assert.ok( ClientDetail.drain.deadline.includes('No deadline'), 'The value for Deadline is "no deadline"' ); assert.notOk( ClientDetail.drain.hasForcedDeadline, 'Forced deadline is not shown since there is no forced deadline' ); assert.ok( ClientDetail.drain.ignoreSystemJobs.endsWith('Yes'), 'Ignore System Jobs state is shown' ); }); test('when the node has a drain stategy with a negative deadline, the drain strategy section shows the force badge', async function(assert) { const deadline = -1; node = server.create('node', { drain: true, schedulingEligibility: 'ineligible', drainStrategy: { Deadline: deadline, ForceDeadline: '0001-01-01T00:00:00Z', // null as a date IgnoreSystemJobs: false, }, }); await ClientDetail.visit({ id: }); assert.equal(ClientDetail.drain.badgeLabel, 'Forced Drain', 'Forced Drain badge is described'); assert.ok(ClientDetail.drain.badgeIsDangerous, 'Forced Drain is shown in a red badge'); assert.notOk( ClientDetail.drain.hasForcedDeadline, 'Forced deadline is not shown since there is no forced deadline' ); assert.ok( ClientDetail.drain.ignoreSystemJobs.endsWith('No'), 'Ignore System Jobs state is shown' ); }); }); module('Acceptance | client detail (multi-namespace)', function(hooks) { setupApplicationTest(hooks); setupMirage(hooks); hooks.beforeEach(function() { server.create('node', 'forceIPv4', { schedulingEligibility: 'eligible' }); node = server.db.nodes[0]; // Related models server.create('namespace'); server.create('namespace', { id: 'other-namespace' }); server.create('agent'); // Make a job for each namespace, but have both scheduled on the same node server.create('job', { id: 'job-1', namespaceId: 'default', createAllocations: false }); server.createList('allocation', 3, { nodeId:, clientStatus: 'running' }); server.create('job', { id: 'job-2', namespaceId: 'other-namespace', createAllocations: false }); server.createList('allocation', 3, { nodeId:, jobId: 'job-2', clientStatus: 'running', }); }); test('when the node has allocations on different namespaces, the associated jobs are fetched correctly', async function(assert) { window.localStorage.nomadActiveNamespace = 'other-namespace'; await ClientDetail.visit({ id: }); assert.equal( ClientDetail.allocations.length, server.db.allocations.length, 'All allocations are scheduled on this node' ); assert.ok( server.pretender.handledRequests.findBy('url', '/v1/job/job-1'), 'Job One fetched correctly' ); assert.ok( server.pretender.handledRequests.findBy('url', '/v1/job/job-2?namespace=other-namespace'), 'Job Two fetched correctly' ); }); });