# Repo which we are cloning and executing npm run build:deploy-preview within REPO_TO_CLONE=dev-portal # Set the subdirectory name for the base project PREVIEW_DIR=website-preview # The directory we want to clone the project into CLONE_DIR=website-preview # The product for which we are building the deploy preview PRODUCT=nomad from_cache=false if [ -d "$PREVIEW_DIR" ]; then echo "$PREVIEW_DIR found" CLONE_DIR="$PREVIEW_DIR-tmp" from_cache=true fi # Clone the base project, if needed echo "⏳ Cloning the $REPO_TO_CLONE repo, this might take a while..." git clone --depth=1 "https://github.com/hashicorp/$REPO_TO_CLONE.git" "$CLONE_DIR" if [ "$from_cache" = true ]; then echo "Setting up $PREVIEW_DIR" cp -R "./$CLONE_DIR/." "./$PREVIEW_DIR" fi # cd into the preview directory project cd "$PREVIEW_DIR" # Run the build:deploy-preview start script REPO=$PRODUCT DEV_IO=$PRODUCT IS_CONTENT_PREVIEW=true HASHI_ENV=project-preview npm run build:deploy-preview