import Component from '@ember/component'; import { classNames } from '@ember-decorators/component'; import { task } from 'ember-concurrency'; import { action, set } from '@ember/object'; import { inject as service } from '@ember/service'; import { debounce, run } from '@ember/runloop'; const SLASH_KEY = '/'; const MAXIMUM_RESULTS = 10; @classNames('global-search-container') export default class GlobalSearchControl extends Component { @service router; @service token; searchString = null; constructor() { super(...arguments); this['data-test-search-parent'] = true; } keyDownHandler(e) { const targetElementName =; if (targetElementName != 'input' && targetElementName != 'textarea') { if (e.key === SLASH_KEY) { e.preventDefault();; } } } didInsertElement() { super.didInsertElement(...arguments); set(this, '_keyDownHandler', this.keyDownHandler.bind(this)); document.addEventListener('keydown', this._keyDownHandler); } willDestroyElement() { super.willDestroyElement(...arguments); document.removeEventListener('keydown', this._keyDownHandler); } @task(function* (string) { const searchResponse = yield this.token.authorizedRequest( '/v1/search/fuzzy', { method: 'POST', body: JSON.stringify({ Text: string, Context: 'all', Namespace: '*', }), } ); const results = yield searchResponse.json(); const allJobResults = || []; const allNodeResults = results.Matches.nodes || []; const allAllocationResults = results.Matches.allocs || []; const allTaskGroupResults = results.Matches.groups || []; const allCSIPluginResults = results.Matches.plugins || []; const jobResults = allJobResults .slice(0, MAXIMUM_RESULTS) .map(({ ID: name, Scope: [namespace, id] }) => ({ type: 'job', id, namespace, label: `${namespace} > ${name}`, })); const nodeResults = allNodeResults .slice(0, MAXIMUM_RESULTS) .map(({ ID: name, Scope: [id] }) => ({ type: 'node', id, label: name, })); const allocationResults = allAllocationResults .slice(0, MAXIMUM_RESULTS) .map(({ ID: name, Scope: [namespace, id] }) => ({ type: 'allocation', id, label: `${namespace} > ${name}`, })); const taskGroupResults = allTaskGroupResults .slice(0, MAXIMUM_RESULTS) .map(({ ID: id, Scope: [namespace, jobId] }) => ({ type: 'task-group', id, namespace, jobId, label: `${namespace} > ${jobId} > ${id}`, })); const csiPluginResults = allCSIPluginResults .slice(0, MAXIMUM_RESULTS) .map(({ ID: id }) => ({ type: 'plugin', id, label: id, })); const { jobs: jobsTruncated, nodes: nodesTruncated, allocs: allocationsTruncated, groups: taskGroupsTruncated, plugins: csiPluginsTruncated, } = results.Truncations; return [ { groupName: resultsGroupLabel( 'Jobs', jobResults, allJobResults, jobsTruncated ), options: jobResults, }, { groupName: resultsGroupLabel( 'Clients', nodeResults, allNodeResults, nodesTruncated ), options: nodeResults, }, { groupName: resultsGroupLabel( 'Allocations', allocationResults, allAllocationResults, allocationsTruncated ), options: allocationResults, }, { groupName: resultsGroupLabel( 'Task Groups', taskGroupResults, allTaskGroupResults, taskGroupsTruncated ), options: taskGroupResults, }, { groupName: resultsGroupLabel( 'CSI Plugins', csiPluginResults, allCSIPluginResults, csiPluginsTruncated ), options: csiPluginResults, }, ]; }) search; @action open() { if ( {; } } @action ensureMinimumLength(string) { return string.length > 1; } @action selectOption(model) { if (model.type === 'job') { this.router.transitionTo('jobs.job',, { queryParams: { namespace: model.namespace }, }); } else if (model.type === 'node') { this.router.transitionTo('clients.client',; } else if (model.type === 'task-group') { this.router.transitionTo('jobs.job.task-group', model.jobId,, { queryParams: { namespace: model.namespace }, }); } else if (model.type === 'plugin') { this.router.transitionTo('csi.plugins.plugin',; } else if (model.type === 'allocation') { this.router.transitionTo('allocations.allocation',; } } @action storeSelect(select) { if (select) { = select; } } @action openOnClickOrTab(select, { target }) { // Bypass having to press enter to access search after clicking/tabbing const targetClassList = target.classList; const targetIsTrigger = targetClassList.contains( 'ember-power-select-trigger' ); // Allow tabbing out of search const triggerIsNotActive = !targetClassList.contains( 'ember-power-select-trigger--active' ); if (targetIsTrigger && triggerIsNotActive) { debounce(this,, 150); } } @action onCloseEvent(select, event) { if (event.key === 'Escape') { => { this.element.querySelector('.ember-power-select-trigger').blur(); }); } } calculatePosition(trigger) { const { top, left, width } = trigger.getBoundingClientRect(); return { style: { left, width, top, }, }; } } function resultsGroupLabel(type, renderedResults, allResults, truncated) { let countString; if (renderedResults.length < allResults.length) { countString = `showing ${renderedResults.length} of ${allResults.length}`; } else { countString = renderedResults.length; } const truncationIndicator = truncated ? '+' : ''; return `${type} (${countString}${truncationIndicator})`; }