import Component from '@glimmer/component'; import { inject as service } from '@ember/service'; import { tracked } from '@glimmer/tracking'; import { action } from '@ember/object'; import ResourcesDiffs from 'nomad-ui/utils/resources-diffs'; import { htmlSafe } from '@ember/template'; import { didCancel, task, timeout } from 'ember-concurrency'; import Ember from 'ember'; export default class DasRecommendationCardComponent extends Component { @service router; @tracked allCpuToggleActive = true; @tracked allMemoryToggleActive = true; @tracked activeTaskToggleRowIndex = 0; element = null; @tracked cardHeight; @tracked interstitialComponent; @tracked error; @tracked proceedPromiseResolve; get activeTaskToggleRow() { return this.taskToggleRows[this.activeTaskToggleRowIndex]; } get activeTask() { return this.activeTaskToggleRow.task; } get narrative() { const summary = this.args.summary; const taskGroup = summary.taskGroup; const diffs = new ResourcesDiffs( taskGroup, taskGroup.count, this.args.summary.recommendations, this.args.summary.excludedRecommendations ); const cpuDelta =; const memoryDelta =; const aggregate = taskGroup.count > 1; const aggregateString = aggregate ? ' an aggregate' : ''; if (cpuDelta || memoryDelta) { const deltasSameDirection = (cpuDelta < 0 && memoryDelta < 0) || (cpuDelta > 0 && memoryDelta > 0); let narrative = 'Applying the selected recommendations will'; if (deltasSameDirection) { narrative += ` ${verbForDelta(cpuDelta)} ${aggregateString}`; } if (cpuDelta) { if (!deltasSameDirection) { narrative += ` ${verbForDelta(cpuDelta)} ${aggregateString}`; } narrative += ` ${diffs.cpu.absoluteAggregateDiff} of CPU`; } if (cpuDelta && memoryDelta) { narrative += ' and'; } if (memoryDelta) { if (!deltasSameDirection) { narrative += ` ${verbForDelta(memoryDelta)} ${aggregateString}`; } narrative += ` ${diffs.memory.absoluteAggregateDiff} of memory`; } if (taskGroup.count === 1) { narrative += '.'; } else { narrative += ` across ${taskGroup.count} allocations.`; } return htmlSafe(narrative); } else { return ''; } } get taskToggleRows() { const taskNameToTaskToggles = {}; return this.args.summary.recommendations.reduce( (taskToggleRows, recommendation) => { let taskToggleRow = taskNameToTaskToggles[]; if (!taskToggleRow) { taskToggleRow = { recommendations: [], task: recommendation.task, }; taskNameToTaskToggles[] = taskToggleRow; taskToggleRows.push(taskToggleRow); } const isCpu = recommendation.resource === 'CPU'; const rowResourceProperty = isCpu ? 'cpu' : 'memory'; taskToggleRow[rowResourceProperty] = { recommendation, isActive: !this.args.summary.excludedRecommendations.includes(recommendation), }; if (isCpu) { taskToggleRow.recommendations.unshift(recommendation); } else { taskToggleRow.recommendations.push(recommendation); } return taskToggleRows; }, [] ); } get showToggleAllToggles() { return this.taskToggleRows.length > 1; } get allCpuToggleDisabled() { return !this.args.summary.recommendations.filterBy('resource', 'CPU') .length; } get allMemoryToggleDisabled() { return !this.args.summary.recommendations.filterBy('resource', 'MemoryMB') .length; } get cannotAccept() { return ( this.args.summary.excludedRecommendations.length == this.args.summary.recommendations.length ); } get copyButtonLink() { const path = this.router.urlFor( 'optimize.summary', this.args.summary.slug, { queryParams: { namespace: this.args.summary.jobNamespace }, } ); const { origin } = window.location; return `${origin}${path}`; } @action toggleAllRecommendationsForResource(resource) { let enabled; if (resource === 'CPU') { this.allCpuToggleActive = !this.allCpuToggleActive; enabled = this.allCpuToggleActive; } else { this.allMemoryToggleActive = !this.allMemoryToggleActive; enabled = this.allMemoryToggleActive; } this.args.summary.toggleAllRecommendationsForResource(resource, enabled); } @action accept() { this.storeCardHeight(); this.args.summary .save() .then( () => this.onApplied.perform(), (e) => this.onError.perform(e) ) .catch((e) => { if (!didCancel(e)) { throw e; } }); } @action dismiss() { this.storeCardHeight(); this.args.summary.excludedRecommendations.pushObjects( this.args.summary.recommendations ); this.args.summary .save() .then( () => this.onDismissed.perform(), (e) => this.onError.perform(e) ) .catch((e) => { if (!didCancel(e)) { throw e; } }); } @(task(function* () { this.interstitialComponent = 'accepted'; yield timeout(Ember.testing ? 0 : 2000); this.args.proceed.perform(); this.resetInterstitial(); }).drop()) onApplied; @(task(function* () { const { manuallyDismissed } = yield new Promise((resolve) => { this.proceedPromiseResolve = resolve; this.interstitialComponent = 'dismissed'; }); if (!manuallyDismissed) { yield timeout(Ember.testing ? 0 : 2000); } this.args.proceed.perform(); this.resetInterstitial(); }).drop()) onDismissed; @(task(function* (error) { yield new Promise((resolve) => { this.proceedPromiseResolve = resolve; this.interstitialComponent = 'error'; this.error = error.toString(); }); this.args.proceed.perform(); this.resetInterstitial(); }).drop()) onError; get interstitialStyle() { return htmlSafe(`height: ${this.cardHeight}px`); } resetInterstitial() { if (!this.args.skipReset) { this.interstitialComponent = undefined; this.error = undefined; } } @action cardInserted(element) { this.element = element; } storeCardHeight() { this.cardHeight = this.element.clientHeight; } } function verbForDelta(delta) { if (delta > 0) { return 'add'; } else { return 'save'; } }