import { getOwner } from '@ember/application'; import { assign } from '@ember/polyfills'; import { run } from '@ember/runloop'; import hbs from 'htmlbars-inline-precompile'; import wait from 'ember-test-helpers/wait'; import { findAll, find, click } from 'ember-native-dom-helpers'; import sinon from 'sinon'; import { test, moduleForComponent } from 'ember-qunit'; import { startMirage } from 'nomad-ui/initializers/ember-cli-mirage'; moduleForComponent('job-page/parts/children', 'Integration | Component | job-page/parts/children', { integration: true, beforeEach() { window.localStorage.clear(); = getOwner(this).lookup('service:store'); this.server = startMirage(); this.server.create('namespace'); }, afterEach() { this.server.shutdown(); window.localStorage.clear(); }, }); const props = (job, options = {}) => assign( { job, sortProperty: 'name', sortDescending: true, currentPage: 1, gotoJob: () => {}, }, options ); test('lists each child', function(assert) { let parent; this.server.create('job', 'periodic', { id: 'parent', childrenCount: 3, createAllocations: false, });'job'); return wait().then(() => { run(() => { parent ='job').findBy('plainId', 'parent'); }); this.setProperties(props(parent)); this.render(hbs` {{job-page/parts/children job=job sortProperty=sortProperty sortDescending=sortDescending currentPage=currentPage gotoJob=gotoJob}} `); return wait().then(() => { assert.equal( findAll('[data-test-job-name]').length, parent.get('children.length'), 'A row for each child' ); }); }); }); test('eventually paginates', function(assert) { let parent; this.server.create('job', 'periodic', { id: 'parent', childrenCount: 11, createAllocations: false, });'job'); return wait().then(() => { run(() => { parent ='job').findBy('plainId', 'parent'); }); this.setProperties(props(parent)); this.render(hbs` {{job-page/parts/children job=job sortProperty=sortProperty sortDescending=sortDescending currentPage=currentPage gotoJob=gotoJob}} `); return wait().then(() => { const childrenCount = parent.get('children.length'); assert.ok(childrenCount > 10, 'Parent has more children than one page size'); assert.equal(findAll('[data-test-job-name]').length, 10, 'Table length maxes out at 10'); assert.ok(find('.pagination-next'), 'Next button is rendered'); assert.ok( new RegExp(`1.10.+?${childrenCount}`).test(find('.pagination-numbers').textContent.trim()) ); }); }); }); test('is sorted based on the sortProperty and sortDescending properties', function(assert) { let parent; this.server.create('job', 'periodic', { id: 'parent', childrenCount: 3, createAllocations: false, });'job'); return wait().then(() => { run(() => { parent ='job').findBy('plainId', 'parent'); }); this.setProperties(props(parent)); this.render(hbs` {{job-page/parts/children job=job sortProperty=sortProperty sortDescending=sortDescending currentPage=currentPage gotoJob=gotoJob}} `); return wait().then(() => { const sortedChildren = parent.get('children').sortBy('name'); const childRows = findAll('[data-test-job-name]'); sortedChildren.reverse().forEach((child, index) => { assert.equal( childRows[index].textContent.trim(), child.get('name'), `Child ${index} is ${child.get('name')}` ); }); this.set('sortDescending', false); sortedChildren.forEach((child, index) => { assert.equal( childRows[index].textContent.trim(), child.get('name'), `Child ${index} is ${child.get('name')}` ); }); return wait(); }); }); }); test('gotoJob is called when a job row is clicked', function(assert) { let parent; const gotoJobSpy = sinon.spy(); this.server.create('job', 'periodic', { id: 'parent', childrenCount: 1, createAllocations: false, });'job'); return wait().then(() => { run(() => { parent ='job').findBy('plainId', 'parent'); }); this.setProperties( props(parent, { gotoJob: gotoJobSpy, }) ); this.render(hbs` {{job-page/parts/children job=job sortProperty=sortProperty sortDescending=sortDescending currentPage=currentPage gotoJob=gotoJob}} `); return wait().then(() => { click('tr.job-row'); assert.ok( gotoJobSpy.withArgs(parent.get('children.firstObject')).calledOnce, 'Clicking the job row calls the gotoJob action' ); }); }); });