import Route from '@ember/routing/route'; import { inject as service } from '@ember/service'; import { collect } from '@ember/object/computed'; import { watchRecord } from 'nomad-ui/utils/properties/watch'; import WithWatchers from 'nomad-ui/mixins/with-watchers'; import notifyError from 'nomad-ui/utils/notify-error'; export default class AllocationRoute extends Route.extend(WithWatchers) { @service store; startWatchers(controller, model) { if (model) { controller.set('watcher',; } } model() { // Preload the job for the allocation since it's required for the breadcrumb trail return super .model(...arguments) .then((allocation) => allocation .get('job') .then(() =>'namespace')) // namespaces belong to a job and are an asynchronous relationship so we can peak them later on .then(() => allocation) ) .catch(notifyError(this)); } @watchRecord('allocation') watch; @collect('watch') watchers; }