import EmberObject, { computed } from '@ember/object'; import { task } from 'ember-concurrency'; import TextDecoder from 'nomad-ui/utils/classes/text-decoder'; import { decode } from 'nomad-ui/utils/stream-frames'; import AbstractLogger from './abstract-logger'; import { fetchFailure } from './log'; import classic from 'ember-classic-decorator'; @classic export default class StreamLogger extends EmberObject.extend(AbstractLogger) { reader = null; @computed() get additionalParams() { return { follow: true, }; } start() { return this.poll.perform(); } stop() { const reader = this.reader; if (reader) { reader.cancel(); } return this.poll.cancelAll(); } @task(function*() { const url = this.fullUrl; const logFetch = this.logFetch; const reader = yield logFetch(url).then(res => { const reader = res.body.getReader(); // It's possible that the logger was stopped between the time // polling was started and the log request responded. // If the logger was stopped, the reader needs to be immediately // canceled to prevent an endless request running in the background. if (this.poll.isRunning) { return reader; } reader.cancel(); }, fetchFailure(url)); if (!reader) { return; } this.set('reader', reader); let streamClosed = false; let buffer = ''; const decoder = new TextDecoder(); while (!streamClosed) { yield{ value, done }) => { streamClosed = done; // There is no guarantee that value will be a complete JSON object, // so it needs to be buffered. buffer += decoder.decode(value, { stream: true }); // Only when the buffer contains a close bracket can we be sure the buffer // is in a complete state if (buffer.indexOf('}') !== -1) { // The buffer can be one or more complete frames with additional text for the // next frame const [, chunk, newBuffer] = buffer.match(/(.*\})(.*)$/); // Peel chunk off the front of the buffer (since it represents complete frames) // and set the buffer to be the remainder buffer = newBuffer; // Assuming the logs endpoint never returns nested JSON (it shouldn't), at this // point chunk is a series of valid JSON objects with no delimiter. const { offset, message } = decode(chunk); if (message) { this.set('endOffset', offset); this.write(message); } } }); } }) poll; } StreamLogger.reopenClass({ isSupported: !!window.ReadableStream, });