import Ember from 'ember'; import { task } from 'ember-concurrency'; import { logger } from 'nomad-ui/utils/classes/log'; import WindowResizable from 'nomad-ui/mixins/window-resizable'; const { Component, computed, inject, run } = Ember; export default Component.extend(WindowResizable, { token: inject.service(), classNames: ['boxed-section', 'task-log'], allocation: null, task: null, didReceiveAttrs() { if (this.get('allocation') && this.get('task')) { this.send('toggleStream'); } }, didInsertElement() { this.fillAvailableHeight(); }, windowResizeHandler() { run.once(this, this.fillAvailableHeight); }, fillAvailableHeight() { // This math is arbitrary and far from bulletproof, but the UX // of having the log window fill available height is worth the hack. const cliWindow = this.$('.cli-window'); cliWindow.height(window.innerHeight - cliWindow.offset().top - 25); }, mode: 'stdout', logUrl: computed('', 'allocation.node.httpAddr', function() { const address = this.get('allocation.node.httpAddr'); const allocation = this.get(''); return `//${address}/v1/client/fs/logs/${allocation}`; }), logParams: computed('task', 'mode', function() { return { task: this.get('task'), type: this.get('mode'), }; }), logger: logger('logUrl', 'logParams', function() { const token = this.get('token'); return token.authorizedRequest.bind(token); }), head: task(function*() { yield this.get('logger.gotoHead').perform(); run.scheduleOnce('afterRender', () => { this.$('.cli-window').scrollTop(0); }); }), tail: task(function*() { yield this.get('logger.gotoTail').perform(); run.scheduleOnce('afterRender', () => { const cliWindow = this.$('.cli-window'); cliWindow.scrollTop(cliWindow[0].scrollHeight); }); }), stream: task(function*() { this.get('logger').on('tick', () => { run.scheduleOnce('afterRender', () => { const cliWindow = this.$('.cli-window'); cliWindow.scrollTop(cliWindow[0].scrollHeight); }); }); yield this.get('logger').startStreaming(); this.get('logger').off('tick'); }), willDestroy() { this.get('logger').stop(); }, actions: { setMode(mode) { this.get('logger').stop(); this.set('mode', mode); this.get('stream').perform(); }, toggleStream() { if (this.get('logger.isStreaming')) { this.get('logger').stop(); } else { this.get('stream').perform(); } }, }, });