import { currentURL } from 'ember-native-dom-helpers'; import { test } from 'qunit'; import moduleForAcceptance from 'nomad-ui/tests/helpers/module-for-acceptance'; import Definition from 'nomad-ui/tests/pages/jobs/job/definition'; let job; moduleForAcceptance('Acceptance | job definition', { beforeEach() { server.create('node'); server.create('job'); job =[0]; Definition.visit({ id: }); }, }); test('visiting /jobs/:job_id/definition', function(assert) { assert.equal(currentURL(), `/jobs/${}/definition`); }); test('the job definition page contains a json viewer component', function(assert) { assert.ok(Definition.jsonViewer, 'JSON viewer found'); }); test('the job definition page requests the job to display in an unmutated form', function(assert) { const jobURL = `/v1/job/${}`; const jobRequests = server.pretender.handledRequests .map(req => req.url.split('?')[0]) .filter(url => url === jobURL); assert.ok(jobRequests.length === 2, 'Two requests for the job were made'); }); test('the job definition can be edited', function(assert) { assert.notOk(Definition.editor.isPresent, 'Editor is not shown on load'); Definition.edit(); andThen(() => { assert.ok(Definition.editor.isPresent, 'Editor is shown after clicking edit'); assert.notOk(Definition.jsonViewer, 'Editor replaces the JSON viewer'); }); }); test('when in editing mode, the action can be canceled, showing the read-only definition again', function(assert) { Definition.edit(); andThen(() => { Definition.editor.cancelEditing(); }); andThen(() => { assert.ok(Definition.jsonViewer, 'The JSON Viewer is back'); assert.notOk(Definition.editor.isPresent, 'The editor is gone'); }); }); test('when in editing mode, the editor is prepopulated with the job definition', function(assert) { const requests = server.pretender.handledRequests; const jobDefinition = requests.findBy('url', `/v1/job/${}`).responseText; const formattedJobDefinition = JSON.stringify(JSON.parse(jobDefinition), null, 2); Definition.edit(); andThen(() => { assert.equal( Definition.editor.editor.contents, formattedJobDefinition, 'The editor already has the job definition in it' ); }); }); test('when changes are submitted, the site redirects to the job overview page', function(assert) { Definition.edit(); andThen(() => { Definition.editor.plan();; }); andThen(() => { assert.equal(currentURL(), `/jobs/${}`, 'Now on the job overview page'); }); });