import Component from '@glimmer/component'; import { tracked } from '@glimmer/tracking'; import { action } from '@ember/object'; import { guidFor } from '@ember/object/internals'; export default class TopoVizNode extends Component { @tracked data = { cpu: [], memory: [] }; // @tracked height = 15; @tracked dimensionsWidth = 0; @tracked padding = 5; @tracked activeAllocation = null; get height() { return this.args.heightScale ? this.args.heightScale(this.args.node.resources.memory) : 15; } get yOffset() { return this.height + 2; } get maskHeight() { return this.height + this.yOffset; } get totalHeight() { return this.maskHeight + this.padding * 2; } get maskId() { return `topo-viz-node-mask-${guidFor(this)}`; } get count() { return this.args.node.get('allocations.length'); } get allocations() { return this.args.node.allocations.filterBy('isScheduled').sortBy('resources.memory'); } @action async reloadNode() { if (this.args.node.isPartial) { await this.args.node.reload(); = this.computeData(this.dimensionsWidth); } } @action render(svg) { this.dimensionsWidth = svg.clientWidth - this.padding * 2; = this.computeData(this.dimensionsWidth); } @action highlightAllocation(allocation) { this.activeAllocation = allocation; } @action clearHighlight() { this.activeAllocation = null; } @action selectAllocation(allocation) { if (this.args.onAllocationSelect) this.args.onAllocationSelect(allocation); } computeData(width) { // TODO: differentiate reserved and resources if (!this.args.node.resources) return; const totalCPU = this.args.node.resources.cpu; const totalMemory = this.args.node.resources.memory; let cpuOffset = 0; let memoryOffset = 0; const cpu = []; const memory = []; for (const allocation of this.allocations) { const cpuPercent = allocation.resources.cpu / totalCPU; const memoryPercent = allocation.resources.memory / totalMemory; const isFirst = allocation === this.allocations[0]; let cpuWidth = cpuPercent * width - 1; let memoryWidth = memoryPercent * width - 1; if (isFirst) { cpuWidth += 0.5; memoryWidth += 0.5; } cpu.push({ allocation, offset: cpuOffset * 100, percent: cpuPercent * 100, width: cpuWidth, x: cpuOffset * width + (isFirst ? 0 : 0.5), className: allocation.clientStatus, }); memory.push({ allocation, offset: memoryOffset * 100, percent: memoryPercent * 100, width: memoryWidth, x: memoryOffset * width + (isFirst ? 0 : 0.5), className: allocation.clientStatus, }); cpuOffset += cpuPercent; memoryOffset += memoryPercent; } const cpuRemainder = { x: cpuOffset * width + 0.5, width: width - cpuOffset * width, }; const memoryRemainder = { x: memoryOffset * width + 0.5, width: width - memoryOffset * width, }; return { cpu, memory, cpuRemainder, memoryRemainder }; } } // capture width on did insert element // update width on window resize // recompute data when width changes