import { module, test } from 'qunit'; import { setupRenderingTest } from 'ember-qunit'; import { hbs } from 'ember-cli-htmlbars'; import { componentA11yAudit } from 'nomad-ui/tests/helpers/a11y-audit'; import { click, typeIn, findAll, render } from '@ember/test-helpers'; import { setupMirage } from 'ember-cli-mirage/test-support'; module('Integration | Component | secure-variable-form', function (hooks) { setupRenderingTest(hooks); setupMirage(hooks); test('passes an accessibility audit', async function (assert) { assert.expect(1); await render(hbs``); await componentA11yAudit(this.element, assert); }); test('shows a single row by default and modifies on "Add More" and "Delete"', async function (assert) { this.set( 'mockedModel', server.create('variable', { keyValues: [{ key: '', value: '' }], }) ); assert.expect(7); await render(hbs``); assert.equal( findAll('div.key-value').length, 1, 'A single KV row exists by default' ); assert .dom('.key-value button.add-more') .isDisabled( 'The "Add More" button is disabled until key and value are filled' ); await typeIn('.key-value label:nth-child(1) input', 'foo'); assert .dom('.key-value button.add-more') .isDisabled( 'The "Add More" button is still disabled with only key filled' ); await typeIn('.key-value label:nth-child(2) input', 'bar'); assert .dom('.key-value button.add-more') .isNotDisabled( 'The "Add More" button is no longer disabled after key and value are filled' ); await click('.key-value button.add-more'); assert.equal( findAll('div.key-value').length, 2, 'A second KV row exists after adding a new one' ); await typeIn('.key-value:last-of-type label:nth-child(1) input', 'foo'); await typeIn('.key-value:last-of-type label:nth-child(2) input', 'bar'); await click('.key-value button.add-more'); assert.equal( findAll('div.key-value').length, 3, 'A third KV row exists after adding a new one' ); await click('.key-value button.delete-row'); assert.equal( findAll('div.key-value').length, 2, 'Back down to two rows after hitting delete' ); }); module('editing and creating new key/value pairs', function () { test('it should allow each key/value row to toggle password visibility', async function (assert) { this.set( 'mockedModel', server.create('variable', { keyValues: [{ key: 'foo', value: 'bar' }], }) ); assert.expect(6); await render(hbs``); await click('.key-value button.add-more'); // add a second variable findAll('input.value-input').forEach((input, iter) => { assert.equal( input.getAttribute('type'), 'password', `Value ${iter + 1} is hidden by default` ); }); await click('.key-value'); const [firstRow, secondRow] = findAll('input.value-input'); assert.equal( firstRow.getAttribute('type'), 'text', 'Only the row that is clicked on toggles visibility' ); assert.equal( secondRow.getAttribute('type'), 'password', 'Rows that are not clicked remain obscured' ); await click('.key-value'); assert.equal( firstRow.getAttribute('type'), 'password', 'Only the row that is clicked on toggles visibility' ); assert.equal( secondRow.getAttribute('type'), 'password', 'Rows that are not clicked remain obscured' ); }); }); test('Existing variable shows properties by default', async function (assert) { assert.expect(13); const keyValues = [ { key: 'my-completely-normal-key', value: 'never' }, { key: 'another key, but with spaces', value: 'gonna' }, { key: 'once/more/with/slashes', value: 'give' }, { key: 'and_some_underscores', value: 'you' }, { key: 'and\\now/for-something_completely@different', value: 'up' }, ]; this.set( 'mockedModel', server.create('variable', { path: 'my/path/to', keyValues, }) ); await render(hbs``); assert.equal( findAll('div.key-value').length, 5, 'Shows 5 existing key values' ); assert.equal( findAll('button.delete-row').length, 4, 'Shows "delete" for the first four rows' ); assert.equal( findAll('button.add-more').length, 1, 'Shows "add more" only on the last row' ); findAll('div.key-value').forEach((row, idx) => { assert.equal( row.querySelector(`label:nth-child(1) input`).value, keyValues[idx].key, `Key ${idx + 1} is correct` ); assert.equal( row.querySelector(`label:nth-child(2) input`).value, keyValues[idx].value, keyValues[idx].value ); }); }); test('Prevent editing path input on existing variables', async function (assert) { assert.expect(3); const variable = await this.server.create('variable', { name: 'foo', namespace: 'bar', path: '/baz/bat', keyValues: [{ key: '', value: '' }], }); variable.isNew = false; this.set('variable', variable); await render(hbs``); assert.dom('input.path-input').hasValue('/baz/bat', 'Path is set'); assert .dom('input.path-input') .isDisabled('Existing variable is in disabled state'); variable.isNew = true; variable.path = ''; this.set('variable', variable); await render(hbs``); assert .dom('input.path-input') .isNotDisabled('New variable is not in disabled state'); }); module('Validation', function () { test('warns when you try to create a path that already exists', async function (assert) { this.set( 'mockedModel', server.create('variable', { path: '', keyValues: [{ key: '', value: '' }], }) ); this.set( 'existingVariables', server.createList('variable', 1, { path: 'baz/bat', }) ); await render( hbs`` ); await typeIn('.path-input', 'baz/bat'); assert.dom('.duplicate-path-error').exists(); assert.dom('.path-input').hasClass('error'); await typeIn('.path-input', 'foo/bar'); assert.dom('.duplicate-path-error').doesNotExist(); assert.dom('.path-input').doesNotHaveClass('error'); }); test('warns you when you set a key with . in it', async function (assert) { this.set( 'mockedModel', server.create('variable', { keyValues: [{ key: '', value: '' }], }) ); await render(hbs``); await typeIn('.key-value label:nth-child(1) input', 'foo'); await typeIn('.key-value label:nth-child(1) input', 'superSecret'); assert.dom('.key-value-error').doesNotExist(); await typeIn('.key-value label:nth-child(1) input', 'super.secret'); assert.dom('.key-value-error').exists(); }); }); });