import { currentURL } from '@ember/test-helpers'; import { module, test } from 'qunit'; import { setupApplicationTest } from 'ember-qunit'; import setupMirage from 'ember-cli-mirage/test-support/setup-mirage'; import JobDetail from 'nomad-ui/tests/pages/jobs/detail'; export default function moduleForJob(title, context, jobFactory, additionalTests) { let job; module(title, function(hooks) { setupApplicationTest(hooks); setupMirage(hooks); hooks.before(function() { if (context !== 'allocations' && context !== 'children') { throw new Error( `Invalid context provided to moduleForJob, expected either "allocations" or "children", got ${context}` ); } }); hooks.beforeEach(async function() { server.create('node'); job = jobFactory(); await JobDetail.visit({ id: }); }); test('visiting /jobs/:job_id', async function(assert) { assert.equal(currentURL(), `/jobs/${}`); assert.equal(document.title, `Job ${} - Nomad`); }); test('the subnav links to overview', async function(assert) { await JobDetail.tabFor('overview').visit(); assert.equal(currentURL(), `/jobs/${}`); }); test('the subnav links to definition', async function(assert) { await JobDetail.tabFor('definition').visit(); assert.equal(currentURL(), `/jobs/${}/definition`); }); test('the subnav links to versions', async function(assert) { await JobDetail.tabFor('versions').visit(); assert.equal(currentURL(), `/jobs/${}/versions`); }); test('the subnav links to evaluations', async function(assert) { await JobDetail.tabFor('evaluations').visit(); assert.equal(currentURL(), `/jobs/${}/evaluations`); }); if (context === 'allocations') { test('allocations for the job are shown in the overview', async function(assert) { assert.ok(JobDetail.allocationsSummary, 'Allocations are shown in the summary section'); assert.notOk(JobDetail.childrenSummary, 'Children are not shown in the summary section'); }); test('clicking in an allocation row navigates to that allocation', async function(assert) { const allocationRow = JobDetail.allocations[0]; const allocationId =; await allocationRow.visitRow(); assert.equal( currentURL(), `/allocations/${allocationId}`, 'Allocation row links to allocation detail' ); }); } if (context === 'children') { test('children for the job are shown in the overview', async function(assert) { assert.ok(JobDetail.childrenSummary, 'Children are shown in the summary section'); assert.notOk( JobDetail.allocationsSummary, 'Allocations are not shown in the summary section' ); }); } for (var testName in additionalTests) { test(testName, async function(assert) { await additionalTests[testName](job, assert); }); } }); }