import { htmlSafe } from '@ember/template'; import { click, find, findAll, settled } from '@ember/test-helpers'; import { module, test } from 'qunit'; import { setupRenderingTest } from 'ember-qunit'; import hbs from 'htmlbars-inline-precompile'; import { componentA11yAudit } from 'nomad-ui/tests/helpers/a11y-audit'; // Used to prevent XSS warnings in console const h = height => htmlSafe(`height:${height}px`); module('Integration | Component | FlexMasonry', function(hooks) { setupRenderingTest(hooks); test('presents as a single div when @items is empty', async function(assert) { this.setProperties({ items: [], }); await this.render(hbs` `); const div = find('[data-test-flex-masonry]'); assert.ok(div); assert.equal(div.tagName.toLowerCase(), 'div'); assert.equal(div.children.length, 0); await componentA11yAudit(this.element, assert); }); test('each item in @items gets wrapped in a flex-masonry-item wrapper', async function(assert) { this.setProperties({ items: ['one', 'two', 'three'], columns: 2, }); await this.render(hbs`


`); assert.equal(findAll('[data-test-flex-masonry-item]').length, this.items.length); }); test('the @withSpacing arg adds the with-spacing class', async function(assert) { await this.render(hbs` `); assert.ok(find('[data-test-flex-masonry]').classList.contains('with-spacing')); }); test('individual items along with the reflow action are yielded', async function(assert) { this.setProperties({ items: ['one', 'two'], columns: 2, height: h(50), }); await this.render(hbs`
`); const div = find('[data-test-flex-masonry]'); assert.equal(, '51px'); assert.ok(div.textContent.includes('one')); assert.ok(div.textContent.includes('two')); this.set('height', h(500)); await settled(); assert.equal(, '51px'); // The height of the div changes when reflow is called await click('[data-test-flex-masonry-item]:first-child div'); await settled(); assert.equal(, '501px'); }); test('items are rendered to the DOM in the order they were passed into the component', async function(assert) { this.setProperties({ items: [ { text: 'One', height: h(20) }, { text: 'Two', height: h(100) }, { text: 'Three', height: h(20) }, { text: 'Four', height: h(20) }, ], columns: 2, }); await this.render(hbs`
`); findAll('[data-test-flex-masonry-item]').forEach((el, index) => { assert.equal(el.textContent.trim(), this.items[index].text); }); }); test('each item gets an order property', async function(assert) { this.setProperties({ items: [ { text: 'One', height: h(20), expectedOrder: 0 }, { text: 'Two', height: h(100), expectedOrder: 3 }, { text: 'Three', height: h(20), expectedOrder: 1 }, { text: 'Four', height: h(20), expectedOrder: 2 }, ], columns: 2, }); await this.render(hbs`
`); findAll('[data-test-flex-masonry-item]').forEach((el, index) => { assert.equal(, this.items[index].expectedOrder); }); }); test('the last item in each column gets a specific flex-basis value', async function(assert) { this.setProperties({ items: [ { text: 'One', height: h(20) }, { text: 'Two', height: h(100), flexBasis: '100px' }, { text: 'Three', height: h(20) }, { text: 'Four', height: h(100), flexBasis: '100px' }, { text: 'Five', height: h(20), flexBasis: '80px' }, { text: 'Six', height: h(20), flexBasis: '80px' }, ], columns: 4, }); await this.render(hbs`
`); findAll('[data-test-flex-masonry-item]').forEach((el, index) => { if ( { assert.equal(, this.items[index].flexBasis); } }); }); test('when a multi-column layout becomes a single column layout, all inline-styles are reset', async function(assert) { this.setProperties({ items: [ { text: 'One', height: h(20) }, { text: 'Two', height: h(100) }, { text: 'Three', height: h(20) }, { text: 'Four', height: h(100) }, { text: 'Five', height: h(20) }, { text: 'Six', height: h(20) }, ], columns: 4, }); await this.render(hbs`
`); assert.equal(find('[data-test-flex-masonry]').style.maxHeight, '101px'); this.set('columns', 1); await settled(); findAll('[data-test-flex-masonry-item]').forEach(el => { assert.equal(, ''); assert.equal(, ''); }); assert.equal(find('[data-test-flex-masonry]').style.maxHeight, ''); }); });